Help!! I'm starting a Small Business
There are alot of things to think about when starting your own Small Business. Some of them are simple and can be asked of experienced...
Flushing Facebook
I've been off Facebook for about a week now. Maybe a little longer. So far, I've only deactivated my account but may soon delete it. I...
I wish I could post things that would "always" make you 😁. Things that would be "spiritual" you could agree with that would keep you...
Kentucky Tornado 2021
This story is not selective or targeted to Kentucky. Kentucky just happens to be in the most recent news of destruction due to tornadoes...
Teaching Our Children to Lie
Currently, I drive a school bus of Special needs children. You get to know them over time and they you. One of the most difficult things...
Ways To Give
Cash app: $swampoetry Encouragement: P.O.Box 1823 Powder Springs GA. 30127 Purchasing one of our books from Amazon for a friend for...
Prophetic Encouragement 12/5/21*1qlwlry*_ga*YW1wLXNZbnV0cmxNcEdGWXVUZi1YbkhTVFlaOHpxS0ZFX3NMbklpT1FYZEdSR0VxeTd...
You Shall Surely
These three words were the beginning of God's warning to humanities... First parents. God finished everything for them, except their...