At the bottom of this post is an important link and it is only a first step to change. While this post may be brief or long, I hope you will check out the link, perhaps read it entirely in one sitting or over a few days. The truth is we need CHANGE. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth" demands...CHANGE. How? The Devil is the prince of the power of the air. He is essentially in control of this world and its "order" which reveals itself in chaos and any and all power reverted to him and his accomplices, those under his spell and control. From conception we hear of his world on media, and from our own mouths'. We learn of his practices through ancient religions where Jesus Christ may be included but not according to truth; HE is minimized while the Devil continues to attempt to "ascend the throne. However, it is God who sits on the throne and is high and lifted up and HE sits above the circle of the earth. That s not what we are taught however...from the media outlets we hear while inside the womb AND outside, nor from the public schools or even those who are schools led by believers of Jesus Christ. Christian schools are under increasing attack to teach about Egypt, the Pharaohs, eastern religions and a very minimized Christ (if at all) under the guise of a global or world view. However, it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has the global world view in...whosoever will come, let him/her but not without the call to repent from sin, to turn to Him and to continue to come closer and closer in which there is continual and true change. Some have said..."change your thinking, change your life" and that can be itself a global worldview. However, the Gospel still speaks, saying be changed by the renewing of your mind and let THIS mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus in Philippians 2.
There IS a difference!! The worldview of the Devil is to conform, where the worldview of God and His Christ, the only Savior of "whosoever will" is to be transformed! Romans 2:12 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." There is perfect or acceptable or good without the renewing transformational mind to Christ. This requires something of us. A divorce from being conformed to an agreement of being transformed. How does transformation happen? Through Repentance. It is turning to see what is the acceptable, perfect and good....God who has a good, acceptable and perfect will for you "whosoever will". Are YOU Change? Please do take the time to review this link offered here:
I look forward to hearing from you as WE Restore the call of Repentance to the earth.