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Here's to Your Health

Water is critical to the human body. As I sit here typing this, my mind wanders to the Biblical reality that we are made from the dust of the earth, but water was used and so I guess you could say, we are mud. :) Laugh people!!!

However, we "approximately" 75% water which would leave "approximately" 25% dust if we are counting to the nominal 100% without regard for our eternal soul in it's "parts". The blood flows throughout our body, in and around our internal organs of which skin is the largest of our body. Only one source of blood runs at the bottom of the human lungs. I find that intriguing. Yet, it is the blood that heals and in which oxygen is carried primarily. The blood will never lose it's power. Human blood may flow out and cause death, but the Blood of the eternal...the one who was from the the beginning with God; the one who came from the bosom of the Eternal Father causes life. It is in HIM we live and move and have our...BEING. Not our doing.

If we are not IN one with HIM, as He is with the FATHER, the cause is death to our body AND our soul. Who would want that? You??? I hope not. The Red Cross is always saying the blood supply is low, please give your blood; it will help others....LIVE. HELLO. Then what of the Eternal One, who came from the Father, sent by the Father and now sits at the right hand of the Father. He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and above the heavens and from Him all things came into being and without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him is life and THAT life is the LIGHT of mankind. He hovered over the darkness in the beginning...over the deep waters, then LIGHT...and LIFE.

Back to the water without dust of the earth. It was in darkness, unenlightened though still existing. When Jesus Christ created, He did so with replenishment as a part of His design. Water on earth, back to clouds, back to earth. Water in humanity to sustain and then to help flush out harmful things. My GOD...THAT is who He is; He even knew and planned and designed us to flush our system because He knew, so His plan was/is perfect. Do we adhere to it perfectly? Hardly. Do we try to? Kind of. Does what we DO effect our eternity? Not at all. Hebrews says, HE endured the Cross for the joy set before Him. What was that joy? Salvation (to spend eternity with Him) for whosoever would say yes to Him. Will you endure the Cross for the joy set before you? What is that joy? Eternity with Jesus and discovering more and more of God. THAT is the BEING we were created to BE. The discovering the more of HIM is what we were created to DO.

Washing of the water of the Word of God, which was Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The cleansing proof? Resurrection!!

And I came on here just to talk about Xooma and their X20 product. I've discovered wonderful things with it. I am hydrated...properly. Drinking water does not hydrate you. In fact, most bottled waters are acidic and most municipal/tap water is tainted with many harmful chemicals to treat many harmful things in the water. Even if you filter, if you don't alkalize your water, and your water may be clean, you cannot experience the better hydration using X20. While I've used X20 for over 4years now and continue to, I've also used other healthy plant based products such as probiotix, silver max, cellular products and calcium. My grands love it and so does my daughter and son in law. These will help with this Life on earth:

But only saying yes to Jesus Christ will prove to gain entry into heavens eternity. What you do with these products can help you, but what you do with repentance and trusting Jesus' sacrifice instead of your good works, will get you an eternity to look forward to. Be blessed, get healthy in the body with Xooma and for your soul with Jesus Christ. Healthy in the body and Soul/spirit. BE


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