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Journaling and Banking Change

As I was listening to a radio station the other day, the subject of people leaving their change behind came across the radio. Overall, I think it said there was over $70,000 left by travelers just at the Atlanta Airport security check points. People would pretend to pick up the change but would leave it in the tray and all that change accounted for over $70, one year! That's a lot of change. I am in the process of building an account for my grands with which I use my own change from purchases made or change found left laying around...on the floor or parking lots, etc.

Several years ago I wrote a journal called Journaling Change and in that time began to get the concept of banking it, however, I did not have any grandchildren yet. I hope to save enough for their education or to begin decently in life should our Lord Jesus Christ tarry. Occupy till He comes. The link to purchase Journaling Change is

From here, you can begin your own journey to change, with the understanding the change is hard, is weighty and is probably the reason much is left behind. However, as you can see, there is also left behind wealth when ignored and thought to cumbersome. If you have change just laying around, you can send it to Stuff With A Message Inc at which, when designated will be put into my grands account. I am currently researching how to best create a custodial account and will provide that after I've created it. Folks, change, regardless if you leave it behind, give it away or discount it, is hard, is weighty, but is also very useful in our lives. Two things we, as human beings, don't like are synonymous, and are 1. change, and 2. Repent. However, without the hard and weighty things, the soft would be less valuable. When our measure was gold, the weightier the gold, the more the value. To repent is to change from your mindset to the mind of Christ, to turn away from looking at sin to looking at Christ and to change your behavior and deeds to reflect the Kingdom of God and His Christ. To change is to recognize the need to repent and to begin the journey. Why not bank on it and just get started. It's not going to...CHANGE is here to stay...especially if we loo upon God and understand we don't understand, but He does. Repentance is beautiful and inviting, welcoming and intimate, yearnful for someone to embrace...face to face and to distribute His grace. And it begins with .01 step, but leads to more than 70,000. Will you begin your walk with Christ today? It is YOUR decision.

Soon I hope to post the new account from my grands. So far...for your information, Charles Schwab looks the best for a custodial account. Here is one of the sites I visited:

Remember to get your copy of Journaling Change. The funny thing is, if I collected just the penny's left on the shelf or road, or floor, I'd probably be a very wealth person, but would still not underestimate the value of .01c.

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