2016 Is Passing Away
The year 2016 is not expected to make it past midnight on December 31, 2016 but a New Year is to be born. As we count away the time till...
Our Responsibility, His Provision
"Then Adonai answered Iyov" (Job) "out of the STORM". (CJB Job 38, caps added) We love to go from here and take it to the heights of God...
Have You Looked Upon God (Lately)
I have heard so many things over the course of 57+ years from the churched, the unchurched, my parents, elders and one guy I grew up with...
Simply---Jesus IS still the Answer
I am awakened at the early hour of 4 a.m. on 12/29/16 by the heavy rain, a concern for and prayer for my son-in-law as he drives/delivers...
Tis The Season
While the birth of Christ is set more for around the time of September, as is the Jewish calendar it is celebrated during the month of...
Veterans, Civilians, American Values and Jesus
It has been a while since posting here. I have been faithful to send out shout-outs every month to the subscribers. As I sit here today...