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Veterans, Civilians, American Values and Jesus

It has been a while since posting here. I have been faithful to send out shout-outs every month to the subscribers. As I sit here today in-between bus routes I am reminded of my time in the military and our Veterans. I've heard stories of someone demeaning my Dad as though his stent in the Navy did not matter and what kind of signal that sent to his heart, his brain, his emotions. For this Air Force man I know my Dad was proud when I joined the military but scared at the same time. My youngest son is now in the Army and has been for a little over a year. I will see him for the first time since he graduated--next week, the week before Christmas. Maybe that is why this is where my mind is. How many of you who read this either have someone you know has served, you have served and you pass by a silent/unknown/hidden--hero. Some don't want to "talk about it" because others just don't get it when they listen without compassion or putting themselves in the other persons position. They are hidden horrors or joys mixed with duty and horrors, but not only does no one WANT to know, they ask without WANTING to take the time to---LISTEN. Then some will "counsel" about things they have never been through as though they have answers. Sometimes all a Veteran needs is a willing ear, a tear shed while listening, a laugh as they tell THEIR story, a hug, a handshake, an embrace, a prayer before parting. This way you can add value to them. This way you can make Christmas and lives (yours and theirs) more memorable. This way you can LEARN about your family, that Veteran, your heritage and history as well as the history not written in books. Make Christmas more memorable this year by asking (even if its ignored or refused) the senior Veteran to share. If he/she doesn't want to, then open it up to another. VALUE them by VALUING their service. EMBRACE THEM!!! and you can do that without saying "thank you for your service". Let a new appreciation come into your hearts and let honor replace contempt and love replace judgment and compassion replace anger. Our Veterans have been places those who are not Veterans have ever been. We would do it again--because of love for you who have not served and those who have. Value them, not only this Christmas, but let it be one of your New Years resolutions--to love each other as we have loved you. Giving willingly, Suffering silently, Weeping at times when we can't tell you why, Missing you terribly when we can't be with you, Hoping expectantly as we go from hope to hope and Loving you eternally. Some know the Great Salvation in Jesus Christ, some don't. Will you pray for us, love us and at least be willing to just sit or listen and open your emotions to weep, to laugh, to learn deeper, discover more and to go from having knowledge to gaining revelation? I hope many of you do and those who can't--pray God will grant you to. Remember Jesus was/is the Captain of the Host of heaven and He is willing to lift you up and the Veteran. Without judgment, will you give back to them during this season of giving (Christmas 2016)? but let empathy continue throughout the year. We need to be reminded at times. To us, we did our duty--hoorah. To you, we "served" but don't really know what that mean. But as we age, we need to know, we were soldiers and we were loved, prayed for, valued not just for what we did, but because that was/is a part of us. Will you let us become a part of your life in discipline, in love, in service, in duty, in invited conversations, in value and in wisdom sharing Jesus with us through more than words but actions as well? "Faith without works is dead". You "say"(words) you have faith, you "say"(words) you have works. I will "show"(demonstration) you my faith, by what I "do"(demonstration).

What I would say to you is to not only "give" financially to an organization and call that "doing" alone. Let there be the power and demonstration of the Spirit. Let's break out of our "give to the church so the organization" can "help" and become the Living Church to one another. God bless you Veterans and Fellow Americans. Jesus is indeed the foundation of the giving of God and the love. How will we build?

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