When Neglecting is not
Sometimes we are called upon to lift up another person's ministry. I have been busy in doing that. While it feels as though I am neglecting my own, sometimes it is a selfishness when it becomes about ME rather than the Kingdom of God. Prefer one another ABOVE yourSELF! That said, I want to introduce you to my friends first ever blog. You can visit it here: https://newberncadepsalmis.wixsite.com/cades-word-from-god
I do want you to understand, even though you may be a complete novice, God uses whoever is willing, and called to the task at hand. Some say, get a "professional", but the Word from God spoken into the Kingdom are delayed or stopped by "professionalism" and paid..."gigs". Willingness is big in the Kingdom of God, but not without the effort and activity after the confession of being a "willing" vessel, as many claim without the activity and not being acknowledged. I WANT you to visit the site often, as Cade and each member of God's Kingdom brings a clearer, though different in calling, picture and reality of the Kingdom of God and of His Christ in which we loose ourselves...for Him. I dare you to neglect yourself...for others ministries, but after careful examination of their writings. Mine is toward repentance, others may not be as in your face as mine, but more kind. I've found many do not even mention repentance, but exalt Jesus Christ. Let US exalt Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Let US exalt the Kingdom of God. Let US exalt one another in Jesus Christ and reveal more of Jesus, as my brother and friend Cade does. Let us Not neglect one another, nor Jesus.