Flushing Facebook
I've been off Facebook for about a week now. Maybe a little longer. So far, I've only deactivated my account but may soon delete it. I thought it would be a good way to keep up with others and use as a ministry tool. I've found those to be less than true... for me. Being free from an active account, by itself, seems to disengage my mind from the mindlessness I've seen there. Today, I'm not wondering what to post, who to answer or how to sell. I hoped some of my "friends" would at least send me an email to check on me, but alas my "friends" may not have been true friends...only fake book ones. I ain't mad, or hurt, or disappointed. I was done with the clammering which did not lead to answers or resolution, or even agreement WITH one another by the Word of God. I might return at some point to Facebook. It seems there is a knowledge we no longer know or include. We speak of grace and mercy, deliverance and even currently repentance, but we have still refused to turn to the knowledge of the Holy One and to Love. While we are turned away from His face, we can gain and speak of a knowledge. When we turn in true repentance to look on His face, we can speak of the knowledge... Of the Holy One. Let us turn to SEE who is talking.
Love is the answer. Repentance is the call.