Xooma Your Health
Problems with Diabetes, Weight control, Dehydrated, Inflammation, and others? Check out the products at xooma.com/randygoss.
America is a nation of diversity, from the color of skin to the cultures of the world, to illness sickness and dis-ease. However, as unfortunate as it is, we have given ourselves to "science" of chemical prescriptions and quick fixes and even to death. Instead of being set into longevity, we are set toward death or control of prescriptive chemicals pills and oral "medicines". We become set into the mindset of looking for answers from "science" rather than God or God's nature in it's purity. Xooma products are plant based, not for their chemical manipulation but benefit. One of the team members on the "scientific" side of xooma is a naturopath. Here is her information if you want to contact her: https://www.healthprofs.com/us/naturopaths/melissa-g-bennett-alpharetta-ga/502674
While there are over 34.2 million just in the United States, the numbers will continue to climb if we do not address things within the parameters of natural and homeopathic methods to get people off chemicals and the "science" of manipulation of the human system rather than an unnatural one. To be honest, both may be employed, however it has been my experience that many of the prescriptive MD dismiss the naturopath's but the naturopath's do not dismiss the prescriptive. That should tell us that naturopaths are involved and interested in the person overall. As with any thing; check with your "physician" before trying or replacing any treatments. I have had one experience with my pulmonologist who was favorable of using naturopathic methods, but she as middle-eastern. I can also tell you, the advice and products of xooma as mentioned by my naturopath has helped me tremendously, especially the X20.
To note, X20 is able to help with all the above mentioned "problems" and whole sports teams have changed from gatoraid to X20 and that especially our youth teams. In an article from Xooma's "The Impulse!", "First, it's important to understand that unhealthy food and beverage choices along with lack of exercise are almost always associated with a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. So, what you EAT and what you DRINK play an important role in your fight against this condition. And this is why we encourage you to make mineral-rich, alkaline, X20 water your primary beverage choice. Not only will this help you avoid many of those common unhealthy beverages, X20 supports healthy blood sugar levels in the body". Other products such as Berry Balance, Assimilator, and Omega 3/75plus are mentioned in the same article. You can learn more about the process from testimonials and scientific information please visit xooma.com/randygoss for the short read book: 'Believe in Better'.