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The action of Repentance followed by fruits for for repentance (deeds) are what kept or stayed the hand (judgment) of a Holy and the only wise God. Is there still time to repent? Well... You're reading this. Today is the day of your salvation and now, God calls all men, everywhere to repent. It is the unrepentant who are doomed, those who refused to repent... NOW... Is the day of... YOUR salvation. What is the will of God except that you trust and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. REPENT FROM... Your own righteousness which is as filthy rags. REPENT TO the righteousness find only in Jesus Christ. Repenting FROM is a journey back to the FACE OF GOD rather than His hand alone. "TO" is a continuous journey filled with revelation and confession of the angels crying out day and night... HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord. Repent AND believe... Let your action be followed by fruits... Fit for the Kingdom of God. ACT today, tomorrow or even the next second is not promised.

We have treated God terribly!! When Top Brass or Owners are coming, we are told and we prepare ourselves and handle our responsibilities with greater care, detail and precision. We repent so it will go well. If we don't, it is on us to be disciplined, suffer loss or be excused and escorted off the property belonging to the owner. No wrinkle, no spot or blemish. The walk of Repentance is not one of perfection, but of learning and changing because of a love, an appreciation, an awe for the owner (King Jesus) and care for His Kingdom. Repent.


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