Turn & Fight
The enemy thought he won. He thought he, with the help of his professionally trained army defeated an imagined foe. He thought he would not only take their land, their children and their lives, but their very spirit and their freedom. He would make them slaves...again. He was wrong!! His army fell. His plans, if carried out would have been devastating, but instead he and his army were devastated, defeated and brought to open shame on the world stage, before other nations. Nations who joined together for freedom...under God...when they served God.
Here are two reminder scene's from "The Patriot" to watch, consider and be encouraged by. It looked like everything was against the patriots, BUT. The leader melted down the last reminder of his young son, who'd been murdered by this regime. His last bullet for a personal use if the opportunity offered itself. It did.
Watch this next scene....intently. It looked like everything they fought for was faltering, was outmatched, was overcome or being overcome. It looked basically hopeless. However, even during a call to retreat there was another to advance. It is time to Turn & Fight=Advance. Victory is often not in "retreat", nor is life found in retreat. It is often found at the other end of the field where fighting is necessary and is promising for freedom. Retreat in this case would have meant certain slavery and possibly death.
The battle was a set up, and the enemy didn't know it. However, look at the bigger picture. Men, professional and unprofessional, trained and untrained, novice and experienced, black and white, foreigner and Americans fought together, honored at the battle line and fought the real enemy. The militia "joined at the center", imagine that. The experienced were over the hill, waiting, but not on couch's and armchairs or titles, but for support and United, not with their own idea's, but for the good of mankind. They were engaged in conferences or zoom calls. They were ready, so as soon as the body of initial engagement cleared the hill, the rifles and cannons engaged the enemy. Though personal issue's were present and apparent, the freedom and fight for it brought them together. They won not by design of men, but by the hand of God and those who followed Him, while the other nation had become a religious one leaving God on church walls, in books and a bible created and approved by the king without regard to his King.
This is being played out before our very eyes today in 2021. In this day, we add to the battle, men AND women, even boys and girls are standing up while others are being offered at the alters of Molech (abortion) either for death or to sear them into compliance. It doesn't look good...right now, but neither did it in the scenes above. Molech is a baal demon and is a demon of death. The Shulamite woman in The Songs of Solomon in 8:6 that love is as strong as death. So what does God do to that claim of equality? He sent Love, and His Love defeated death by dieing yet death could not hold Him. Now, He offers the same to humanity...to whosoever will, through Jesus Christ who came from the bosom, the heart of...The Father.
To turn is to repent, but that is only the initial step. Then there is a continual and pursuit of repentance into grace and mercy and love. This is the battle we fight daily, but remember their is a retreat to acknowledge we need God and one to advance to the other side of the field of battle. Don't Give Up!!!!
Keep repenting. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep getting up. Keep crying out to the One who will answer you, the very One who died and beat death and Lives today. Say yes to Jesus.