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Truth or Less???

In a famous movie, out of the mouth of a famous actor came the words..."YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!" And the question is...can "you"? We love to talk about God's responsibility to be "faithful" even when we are faithless. Hmmm

We want Him to love us regardless because of HIS faithfulness. He does, but His love does not reserve a place for us in heaven. If it did, the criminal "you" say will go to hell...will be with heaven; the devils and demons we seek to escape will be in heaven. But we know or are assured....they won't be. The assurance does not come from the judgment of mankind however, but from the Word of God. Jesus is "FULL of...TRUTH". Anything else is...Less. To come before God in full truth is to come, clothed in Jesus, not anything less. Many times the clothing mentioned in the Bible is not of raiment, garments or literal clothing, but more abstract things like character, humility, and righteousness. Inner "clothing".

It has nothing to do with vanity or outward appearance that cosmetics or exercise can cover, no botox, or tummy tucks, or liposuction.

Truth? or if not, it is a Dare if it is less. It is in fact even a sure destruction or at least something Less than Better, let alone Best. While it is "true" that our soldiers protect us with guns and weapons, we protect ourselves and others with the weapons of the warfare of prayer, praise, worship, repentance and...TRUTH. Thee weapons of ours, by the Spirit of God are not weak, but are mighty!!! Greater and more powerful than the earthy version of weaponry. All are necessary to include and at times...especially repentance, because the reason we need to is that somewhere...we left truth for less. Less can look like truth. One can look like won, and we dismiss the difference because we "know what they meant", but in that we invite the other person into "less". Correction does not need to be harsh...and it can be encouraging as progress is encouraged and process encourages to keep progressing. Repentance encourages process and progress.

We place/assign others, but rarely to ourselves. The TRUTH be told God does not blame. He encourages repentance/responsibility to...become, not because we are not like someone on the earth, but because we are not like HIM. Can YOU handle the TRUTH? THIS is the report...that all have sinned and come short of God's glory, and we need HIS clothing of truth, character, humility and righteousness; the righteousness of Jesus Christ. We must not get it is STILL...HIS Righteousness and only we His when we come before God. Nothing...Less will do, or can do.

God has always kept HIS side of the covenant, but we humans have not. In that God is faithful to give us the provision of turn from sin? Yes. To amend for our sin? Yes, but only before those we sin against. Only Jesus amended for our sin before God...because we couldn't. To come closer? Yes, it is continuous in relationship. For nourishment from Yah? Yes. So much more and so much real good. As I talked with God today (1/3/22) I said, Lord even those possessed/filled with Your Holy Spirit can only speak of Your Word, but it is still Your Spirit that draws men to what....? Repentance. Can you handle the truth? Repentance was as much for blameless Job as it was for the thieves on the cross, for the murderers, rapists, child molester, the "imperfect" and full of blame, but repent they must...embrace, hold onto and continually act in responsible relationship with such a King who is...the KING...of all kings and rulers of the earth.

God love does not assure you a place in heaven, nor an open door after you die. You must acknowledge Jesus Christ and repent of your sin, at the very least...acknowledge you need a Savior...the Savior...Jesus Christ. Now, it is your turn to answer the question and commit to the act(s) of repentance and, while not at perfection, at least are on the narrow path rather than the wide one.

I encourage you to read the Gospel of John first and after that read it again.

Love is the Answer, Repentance is the Call.

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