The Word: the word
In the beginning was the Word. I could stop there to promote this one word. However, The Word was described with many words ye began His ministry with this word. John the Immerser prepared the way for The Word, with this word. The Revelation of The Word, written by John the Beloved is riddled with the hope of this word and even the call of The Word to the churches mentioned in Revelation. This word was clearly an important act, thought, motivation, and though mentioned to only 5 of the churches in Revelation is because there was not a call or reminder and perhaps was already present and active within the two churches not included with this call, though still mentioned. I have to wonder if the vernacular was used in today's world and Jesus came the first time if someone said "Repent", The Word would not have said..."word". Perhaps it was The Word, made flesh. If Jesus is the Gospel and the truest the beginning...with God, AND the word (Repent...ance) was the first word out of His mouth when He began His ministry, AND it was this word that prepared the way for The Word, AND the book of Revelation (of Jesus Christ [The Word]) is riddled with the hope that, not only the 5 churches would act on this word and that those who are suffering, if they would just act on this one word to call on The Word, then why is it so feared or dismissed by so many. In my own small circles I have begun hearing the word (Repent) again and it is, indeed, a good word because it calls us to The Word, the name (Word) of the Savior and sacrifice, and to acknowledge our sin to be saved by that Word, that name (Word-Jesus). We receive Him (The Word-Jesus) by trusting in His sacrifice, but not without acknowledging our sin, nor with a pure repentance to "become children of God" which is the right of those who trust...The Word. With those things said, I wonder, when is the last time you learned about your a believer in...The Word (Jesus Christ). This book is very thorough, relative and timely for our day..."word". Get your book here:
Stuff With a Message Inc receives no royalties or funds from the sales of this book, but would recommend Repentance: The First Word of the Gospel above the other books of only a very brief and incomplete definition and description of this (more than a) subject/action of the believer in Jesus Christ.
Stuff With A Message Inc exists to restore the call of Repentance to the earth. We are a non-profit organization and survive on the funds of its founder and any donations it receives and book sales at one of the two websites posted below. We cannot offer the donator a tax deduction, but if you see the value please, at least share our posts and use them in discussion(s). You can also listen to my Facebook Live reading of this book here:
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