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The Uncertain Sound

Hello Everyone, I've been away for a while. I won't be real active anymore, but have decided to say hello. I'm still waiting on God for some answers and some moves. The church still needs to grow up. What we are seeing in D.C. and the Democrats and some Republicans is what IS in the church of an unfaithful woman. She does all the wrong she can, but never admits to any of it..."just get over it" and use forgiveness as its religious pretense. Repentance still means: A willing purpose to AMEND and turn from sin. This is not only before God, but complete that, if before God then before men also as much as possible. Only through Jesus Christ is a complete amending before God. YOU can't be "good enough" or expect Him to "just get over it". He who "comes" to God "must" believe that He is AND to as many as "receive" Him, He gives the "right to become" children of God AND he who believes "in the Son" is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already. Repent and become as you keep on believing, trusting in Him. Why be condemned when you could be saved....because of Jesus alone.

3Greg Reed, Bonnie Logan Nicholson and 1 other 3 Comments Sempala RichardThanks for the post and you are always in my prayers.

  • 17h Greg ReedAmen!

  • 15h Hattie BookerAll who are born again are no longer in any condemnation because of the blood of Jesus. We are here the to be the light in this gross dark world. Let the light shine. Give encouragement, edification and comfort to all. The Holy Spirit is on His job everyday. We are on our. Move on out and be a fruit bearers for Jesus. You have calling to be the light. We pray God's awakening upon you as you go.

The above is a recent post I placed after being off Facebook for an extended time. The last response is a basic reason why I left Facebook. Someone always wants to become your counselor or "correct" you without themselves being corrected or correctable Pride on whose part? Both?

Are we saying the same thing? In essence...kind of. The Scripture reveals what the response seems to point out...which is why I used that verse with the others. However, IF one reads in Revelation of Jesus Christ, He directs John (an Apostle) to write to the seven church's, mostly with one message...Repent. I think that is where the disconnect is. Many think repentance has nothing to do with encouragement, but everything to do with condemnation. That is FALSE!

Repentance has everything to do with encouragement and light and bearing fruit. The scripture says in Matthew 3:7-9, "7But when John saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his place of baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 8Produce fruit, then, in keeping with repentance.9And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.…" (biblehub)

Another website for this founded in Luke 13:6-9 found here: says, "if people have repented they will produce the fruit. John the Baptist said, “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (Luke 3:8). Jesus and John put repenting and bearing fruit together because they go hand-in-hand.". Hand in hand, not don't hold my hand. In fact if you don't hold THAT hand, it doesn't hold water. Repentance is much more than not sinning or not being condemned. It is not only about leaving sin. I involves relationship to go toward something greater, some ONE greater than any mortal.

Repentance is an encouragement and the truth be told, we cannot go from darkness to light without it, AND we cannot further without THAT light to come closer, to learn more, to not assume, but to look upon and join the angels of Isaiah to say, "Holy, Holy, Holy". That should not be religious context, but an awe that, as Job, who believed God also repented long after serving God for a very long time. He repented BECAUSE he saw God and was still a believer. In "edification and encouragement" we want to call others "good" but Jesus said of himself...why do you call ME good? Then concludes with what should be the obvious...."There is no one good but God".

Repentance is an encouragement and edification. In brief, 2Timothy 4 says, "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom: 2Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction.3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.…" The "men" this is talking about is not only unbelievers, but believers as well. The really "cool" thing is Repent address's "reprove, rebuke AND encourage" and because it is "patient" it is also Love, because love is patient.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. What an awesome God!!

Love is the answer, Repentance is the call. It is THE sound that sadly has become indistinguishable and few answer.


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