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The Poem of Job

Most people do not realize the "story of Job" in the Bible is actually poetry. I didn't know that. However, it is the most desired piece of literature of which even the notable have said, if only one literary artistic piece survived they hoped it would be Job. Job is FULL of life, but also of suffering. It is FULL of suffering, but also victory. It is FULL of victory but also battles from within and without. It is FULL of humanity, though culminates with humility. It speaks of men and youth, and God. It tells us Job is blameless, yet God still confronted him. It tells us Job spoke what was right about God, yet he still repented; but not until he saw God, although before his faith carried him, and his deeds proved him.

Job is relational as we see only 3 aged men and one youth had gathered with him to console him, although none succeeded. Job's consolation was when he saw God. Jobs three friends are often spoken of as antagonistic rather than helpful, and the youth (Elihu) is couple with the three. But there is more to Job, and more to these relationships. The three aged men stopped talking, but it doesn't say that about Elihu (the youth). Instead we see that God interrupted Elihu as though going further than what Elihu had in reminding Job (the aged) that God is to be praised, that God is to be assigned righteousness, that God is to be feared, and that God takes time, as well as our suffering or good has no effect on God.

Job considered his own righteousness as righteous enough, but when he SAW God, he immediately stammered and acknowledged "I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You'... 'I uttered what I did not understand' (although he thought he did), 'Things to wonderful for me, which I did not know'. (Job 42:2-3 NKJV) These are things the youth (Elihu) as reminding Job of. See Job 37:14, "Listen to this, O Job; Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. Do you know'...things to wonderful for even you...apostle, mature, prophet, pastor, teacher, son of God? Job's response was final, simple and sincere. He finally said after his stammering and acknowledging, "Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes". (Job 42:6 NKJV) It was not until this that God told Job to pray for his friends and finally increased Job with twice as much as before. In a manner of speaking, it was like king Nebuchadnezzar when he would not acknowledge God for his success who went mad, but when he did finally acknowledge God, God restored his kingdom.

I wonder today about the church in the earth. Are we like Peter who gave an appearance when with Jews, but was different when with non-jews, but always concerned about appearance to others, or like Paul (who we love to quote and boast) who said, "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold' (which means he did not think he already had full knowledge) 'of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me'" (Christ already knows all...See Job 42:2) A question I have for many in the church leadership and those not in what is considered leadership...Have you LOOKED UPON GOD to SEE HIM beyond your faith/hearing? There is much in Job for the youth as well. Read all of Elihu's response, but here I am reminded of Job 36:2-4. Why do I stop at verse 4? For this reason...the youth acknowledged God is with the aged. Remind the aged, but the youth was still respectful, and acknowledged his own ignorance compared to what Job knew, but perhaps forgot or got caught up in circumstance and appearance. We ALL must remember Jobs response and do it, live it, it be a purpose of ours every day. We must also remember Elihu's forceful yet respectful, "Behold, God is mighty, but despises no one; He is mighty in strength of understanding"...(Job 36:5 NKJV)

The bottom line as we like to say is this. Fear God and keep His commandments, remain repentant, even after your conversion. Job was blameless, especially when he looked at his own righteousness and others considered him righteous as well, BUT...when he SAW GOD...his righteousness did not "pale", it burned up (ashes) and he was left with nothing to say except to confess God knows, he doesn't and his response was one of repentance, although he probably knows more than all of us combined. The funny thing is Elihu did say, "I am young in years, and you are VERY OLD". (Job 32:6 NKJV) God spans generations as far as ages, but there is a generation of followers in which age does not matter. We remind each other and we love each other enough to listen but also to speak truth. Selah and do it.

Love is the answer, Repentance is the call


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