The Message, The Name, The Truth
We all want THE truth...THE person/name/entity/"god", THE message to save "the world"...or do we. Both a statement and a question we must ask ourselves. We all try to make money off our blogs, our "business", our ministries, our life's "work" or play. We all look for (or say we do) the "answer" to all of life's difficulty, but fewer still say they "have" the answer and some say they are the answer. We find out differently however, even if/when over time. We could talk about all the different ideologies of the world, the worlds religions, the worlds gods, but find more questions instead of THE answer. The world and it's influencers such as the media steer us away from THE to A Possible....message, name, truth. Israel was under bondage for 400 years, till the answer delivered them from slavery though many wanted to walk right back to Egypt and slavery when it got difficult or circumstances looked like there was no answer by The Name they were delivered by. Adam and Eve knew THE answer, THE message, THE name and THE truth, and that One came later, in the form of a man from a virgin to tell us THE way, THE truth, and be THE life. John, who wrote the Gospel of John and the book of Revelation brought us THE answer. He said in opening of his writing..."In the beginning was THE Word, and THE Word was WITH God in the beginning, and THE Word was God. He (THE Word) was with God in the beginning and through HIM...ALL things that had being were made and without HIM, nothing came into being that had being. In HIM was life, and THAT life was the light of mankind. He came to that which was HIS own but they did not receive Him, yet to ALL who did receive Him, HE...gave the right to become...children of God. In the same book (the "Gospel of John"), John writes in chapter 14, "6Yeshua said, "I AM the Way -- and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me". THERE is THE Name, THE Truth and while HE IS...THE Life, what was THE message?
IF HE was in the beginning with God and Adam and Eve knew THE message and IF people were delivered from Egypt and slavery, and The Name, and The Truth were eternal, then THE message must also be...right? Once again, a statement and question.
Adam (mankind), where art thou? Where did you go? Why are hiding? Don't you know "I" and ONLY "I" can make a way. IF the serpent or devil could've done it, surely he would have by now.
But he hasn't.
Surely Adam (mankind), if you could've done it by would have
But you didn't.
Surely, THE Way and THE Truth and THE Life has done it by defeating the serpent/devil and has offered new LIFE to Adam (mankind) through THAT Life, THAT Name and yes, as long as there is humanity, THAT message. But what is THE message?
Adam (mankind) where art thou? In the Gospels is the story of shepherds. But also in the whole of Biblical history is the story of historical mankind. If "A" shepherd looses one sheep, will he not leave those who did not stray and go after the one that did? "A", THE Shepherd came, and he sent someone ahead named John (The Immerser). His was THE message of the prophets and the call of God to the original Adam (mankind). Come back!! THE message of THE Shepherd began with THE message to REPENT and trust God again...the ONE, TRUE God. Even if one of us living is not of those who were His own receive Him (Jesus Christ), HE still gives the right to BECOME (it is not one of perfection, but of participatory and progressive) a child of God, but NOT of the world. We LEAVE Egypt and it's bondages and HE makes THE Way, because HE Is THE Truth and will be THE Life. THE message is not ONLY one of faith in HIM, but of repentance while we are in the desert, even after crossing the Red Sea...till we enter...HIS rest. We can continually live in trust, in repentance, in hope, in love because, these three will remain, but we must not neglect THE message of Repentance.
I leave with this and for this post: Mark 12:14 "14They came and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you tell the truth and are not concerned with what people think about you, since you pay no attention to a person's status but really teach what God's way is". (Complete Jewish Bible)
Stuff With A Message Inc. exists to Restore the call of Repentance to the earth, but not without faith, hope or love and with the reminder that, as Paul said, "Now I will show you the most excellent way" and "therefore pursue love". Repentance is the call of THE Lover of mankind, and their Creator to become children.
Donations are not tax-deductible but are welcome to carry on THE message, but not without THE Name, THE Truth and THE Life of....Jesus Christ. He loves YOU!!! if you are alone, strayed or in the fold.
on paypal:, phone 1-678-216-2024, or by mail at: P.O.Box 1823 Powder Springs, GA. 30127