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The Faithful God

That while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.

Even when we are faithless, He remains FaithFul.

Did you take from the tree I told you not? And He made them a covering

See, my punishment is more than I can bear. If people find Cain, they will kill him. Not so said the Lord, for if anyone kills Cain, will die. I will put a mark on Cain so people will know.

Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved

Proverbs 30:20, "This is how an unfaithful wife behaves: she eats, wipes her mouth, and says, "I did nothing wrong.""

An unfaithful wife/bride/woman. Jesus is the Groom and his believers his bride. That is male or female. Although we understand a "woman" as a gender, often times when the Bible speaks of it, the context must be considered. This is yet another example of the term referring to a relationship or the nature of mankind, more than a gender. Currently, the American church is the unfaithful woman and if "she" had a political persuasion, it would be Democrat with some Republicans. If it had a citizenship persuasion, it would be Democrat but even the American citizen is finally getting fed up with the politicians. If only they would get fed up with themselves as well and Repent.

Yet, God's faithfulness is on full display as He operates justly, yet mercifully, because He is Himself and to His plan, that it is not His will that any perish, but that all come to repentance, that all come to Jesus, that all receive salvation through Jesus Christ. He has not treated us as our sins DESERVE. We do not even "DESERVE" to be GIVEN the opportunity and honor to...REPENT. He gave us Himself who is full of grace and truth, mercy and so much more, but then He left it as a CHOICE. It is not automatic because of human reasoning that "God is love", and yet HE IS LOVE. He mandates His only begotten son Jesus Christ as the way to salvation and repentance as the way of progress. He says pull off the mask and the only vaccine is the precious blood of Jesus, taken from his mutilated body, who took the curse of mankind. THAT is "THE FAITFUL GOD"!!

Why hasn't He acted? HE HAS!! He gave you a choice!! Why haven't you acted? Why haven't you repented and still repenting? Why hasn't He acted is His mercy and Faithfulness in that, "it is not His will that any perish, but that all come to repentance" (2Peter 3:9) His faithful love and mercy display and demonstrate He is...."THE FAITHFUL GOD". Our behavior display and demonstrate we are not and that God is greater than any mortal. He is The Faithful God...none other.

Repent is not an event

It is a song

That each person

Adds to, as they

Continue to chorus, verse and bridge

Perfect harmony between Creator and created

When the "progressives" move toward

Instead of away

When the unfaithful come closer

Till they are one with the Faithful

God of the chorus of mankind

Upon the back and body of

The verse...Jesus Christ

Who bridged the great gulf

That whosoever believes

Is not condemned

But he who does not

Is condemned already

Unless you repent

You will likewise perish

Like others you thought

Should perish

Thinking "their" sin was greater

Than yours

God does not show favoritism because He is faithful. Jesus saved ONE OF THE THEIVES...not both. Why? One made a choice to call on Jesus and recognized his own unfaithfulness and Jesus' faithfulness. The other made a choice to mock and ridicule. The choice was made by The Faithful God to offer redemption and repentance through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The choice now is yours to believe on the One He sent....and repent, or to trust in your unfaithful self. Are you greater than Job? Blameless? If so, GOOD! Job still had to repent when he saw God whereas before he only heard (of) Him. One day, we will all see Jesus and there will be only one response. Our knee's will bend and our tongues confess...JESUS CHRIST IS LORD....

BUT, your confession then will be truth, but your eternity already sealed because you made the choice to believe and trust in Jesus and The Faithful God...or unfaithful self. If your answer is repentance, then continue in that place of knowing who is who in the relationship and that God is indeed greater than ANY...mortal.


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