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Not to diminish any art form, but what if the artSSS came together. What if the understanding were not "I'm not an artist because I don't...", yet each of us is caught in the artS if you will. Some by design to create, others to observe, critique, to gaze upon and find...knowing there is something...there, and looking. To look upon humanity and creation as individual as it is...each person, from conception is different, and so is each leaf, although the Arts have been reduced to obscurity revealed as entertainment alone. There is more than one art with many who delve into an art form, but there is really only one Artist, because all things came to be, through Him. In Him, was life, and the ArtSSSsss is life, although it may speak of death, it reveals life. I ask a question right our art for our enjoyment alone, or is it that we get to enjoy the one Artist who gave it? When we create, is it excellent because it reveals more of Christ and the beauty of Himself, or is it just for appearance which may only reveal the form of art without the Artist? I am a poet for the most part, but employ other art forms in my thoughts for whatever reason and make no boast except in Christ. However, what MORE can be discovered if we look beyond or in the face of the indescribable? I just found this quote from a metal sculptor: "In some works, it is my intention to develop the kind of forms Nature might create if only heat and steel were available to her". (Richard Hunt)

So, how do we connect? Are you willing? That is a first. If you are willing, you will eat the good of the land. I don't know Mr. Hunt, but I reached out to him, as I have to others. When we reach out to each other and learn collaboration, to honor one another, WE...the Artists (and remember, we are all artists of sorts), may reveal more of Jesus Christ and Him crucified....because of....Love. He pointed to the Spirit and His Father. The Father pointed to Jesus Christ...His only begotten son, the Spirit points us to repentance, to God and to conviction and becoming an art piece of righteousness were those who withstand the Artists hand of forming become and continue becoming. Are you willing?

Under an artists hand, we are formed, gathered up and squeezed only to be slammed onto a potters wheel, put into heat to become formable, pressed like an olive for the purer, marred by paint and colors, pressed upon by ink, cut by knives and chainsaws, etc. In pottery, the forming, the slamming, the squeezing, the heat, the paint, the cutting is all a part of its final display. In each art form, those things happen to a degree, but only dependent upon what we allow Him to do, and what He is doing as The Artist forming the ArtSSSSSSSssss. Artists, are you willing?

Work Cited

Hunt, Richard. Richard Hunt Sculptor, Richard Hunt Studiio,


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