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Stress and Shame is a Sham

Let me define that a little better. There are many who fear, which brings stress, under the shame of something being revealed about them...other's don't know or maybe assume others don't know. While I'm not saying, forget everyone, I am saying, the Sham of this stress and shame is not something God wants for YOU. He wants YOU...FREE to share your stress, (confess your faults one to another), your fear you feel is "fair" (prayer for one another), where the stress, fear and shame is real (so that you may be heal(ed)). There is a repentance required, and a humility required on both sides of that interaction..."inter" (one to at least one other) "action" (requires something both do and even become more of). It is HERE, the stress is confronted as real but made a sham and where shame is sham(ed) by love and at the Cross of Jesus Christ and Him crucified FOR YOU TO BE GET STAY FREE and to look in the face of perfection and realize it was not you, nor another human born by the seed of a human, but God Himself...For YOU.

The prophecy of the testimony is a powerful function of the church. So why is the church not functioning properly? Perhaps because we don't share or take the stress and shame and make it a sham. Maybe it is HERE where only 20% of the people do 80% of the work; because the 80% have been shamed in the church. Church...IF YOU are the TRUE church of Jesus Christ...REPENT and RE-MEMBER, JESUS ENDURED the shame...Your shame, My shame and crushing, making an obstacle of stress and shame. Jesus took nobody's & somebody's who, when they SAW HIM...were changed forever and stepped into the function noting the prophesy of the testimony and the subject of the testimony being what Jesus did for them. to them and is doing with Jesus took their stress and shame and made it a sham.

Have you struggled with sin through repentance? Have you HAD to keep it a secret because you tried confessing and asking for prayer only to be shamed and stress increase? DON'T LEAVE JESUS!!! IF you have, come back...UNASHAMEDLY!! There are so many things in this world that wants to shame us and keep the testimony of Jesus silent and ashamed. What do you do? Confess it and Repent. Here is where many politicians are ignoring and/or blatantly continuing to try to deceive. Don't be a politician with will lose. Trust not in your negotiating powers, or cleverness, trust in Jesus Christ and Him crucified and turn the stress and shame into a sham. Let others criticize and expose you, then expose your repentance because of confessing and repentance...keeping fruit fit for repentance. THAT is NOT being a hypocrite. Us feigning perfection or our own righteousness is being hypocritical, but repentance and deeds in keeping with our repentance turns the stress and shame into the Sham.

Come clean! Do as King David. Here is the end of this matter in one short scripture in 2 Samuel 24:14: "This is very hard for me. Let us fall into the hand of ADONAI, because his mercies are great, rather than have me fall into the hand of man." (Stern, 1998 Complete Jewish Bible)

Love is the answer, Repentance is the call.

Donations are appreciated but never required or expected. P.O.Box 1823 Powder Springs, GA. 30127



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