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So Light, yet So Heavy

Hello Readers,

Welcome! There is alot on my heart. The first that comes to mind is John 3:29, "The bridegroom is the one who has the bride; but the bridegroom's friend, who stands and listens to him, is overjoyed at the sound of the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine is now complete". (Sterns, 1998 Complete Jewish Bible) This was AFTER John the Immerser (Baptist) whose only message was's people, showed up, continued in and ended his life with THAT message, AND during his life, when "his" disciples began to leave him...for the Bridegroom. He said..."No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from Heaven". (John 3:27, CJB) John hoarded nothing, not even ministry as we deem ministry today. Ministry is speaking what God is speaking, which is why Jesus was always in a place of ministry, and why John was always ministering with the ministry of reconciliation. Some listened and brought forth fruit in keeping with repentance and some did of them took Johns head and ended his life, but not the message of heaven.

John was sent, but he must have also been willing to carry out the purpose for which he was sent. We could talk for hours, just about that. We "boast" obedience is better than sacrifice, yet miss being willing and use our "obedience" as validation. In truth, Jesus Christ is our ONLY validation, his sacrifice, his willingness, his sacrifice, his righteousness...PERIOD! Yet...the Word of God through Jesus, who IS the Word of God said, "Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls". (Matt 11:28-29 CJB) This should really be an ongoing talk, reminder, encouragement that the rest is for our SOUL, because we still work out our salvation. Peace and Joy are interwoven. Without the peace that SURPASSES...understanding, can there be the JOY of the Lord...since it is the Lord's Peace? The reverse may also be entertained. Is it "joy" or "joy" feigned ("happiness) without the peace that SURPASSES understanding? These are some morsels for you to chew on as you work out your salvation WITH fear and trembling...and thanksgiving for God's mercy toward us who follow Jesus Christ and Him crucified, yet risen...the whole message of repentance.

9/18/2020 as I was waking up, the Lord spoke this to me: "Willingness is the humility to serve. Obedience is the surrender of the humble. Trust is the evidence of things hoped for. Working in obedience is the evidence of the trust, but with ongoing, willingness, repentance, obedience and trust> and that none of these are validations of ourselves, but of HIS Christ". We can all "work" in a feigned obedience, trust and humility, but are we willing, but not just "willing" for willingness sake; but willing to repent? If so, we may be as King David, Job, Abraham, Jesus, etc. If not we may be as Jezebel...period. Will you join the ancients who were willing? No answer is the no that may seal you in the fate of Jezebel. Yes is the answer where freedom is realized and where freedom is not merely an outward exposure, but one of the soul WITH the peace that SURPASSES Understanding and where Joy may be developed...true joy that is, but the Oil...of...Joy, where crushing is not pleasant, except in what is set before us...the freedom, peace and joy of that crushing, becoming like Jesus.

Donations can be sent to P.O.Box 1823 Powder Springs, GA. 30127. We are working on providing a deduction, but not currently there.

Love is the answer, Repentance is the call.


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