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Sin Consciousness?

Is anyone conscious of sin anymore? Oh, that is assigned to those who point out the reality of sin and the need to repent. Pretty soon, we will no longer know sin, nor repentance and therefore neither will there be individual consciousness. As I was reading yesterday about the parable Jesus told of the rich young ruler and the beggar, I realized something I never saw before or heard from the pulpit. The rich young ruler apparently, had no sin consciousness. What, after all did he do wrong? Nothing immoral, surely. However, the parable speaks of Lazarus (the beggar) sat at the rich young rulers gate hoping to get something...even crumbs from him. Did he? We're not told. However, it is said that the dogs came to lick Lazarus's sores. The rich young ruler couldn't, wouldn't, didn't even help the poor man to soothe his distress although he had the resources, but the dogs at least helped. Were they the rulers dogs? We're not told.

When you know what to do but don't do it, to you it is sin...Sin Consciousness.

When you have the resources but don't help to you need to "pray about it"? Consider the story of the man who came to his neighbor in the middle of the night. Jesus said give what you have to your neighbor when you have it. I'm a chief culprit in this and need to repent before my conscious becomes seared. How about you? We should use money as a tool, not a bribe to get acknowledged or noticed. If you do, you already have your reward. How many people know you gave?

In this hyper age of self, we pat ourselves on the back and expect Jesus to also and when defend and protect ourselves. I have to, but I also haven't. It got painful and distressing and I despaired from all those who would take advantage. Oh, that God would perfect me in obedience...and in trust through suffering and repentance. Even if I were or He does, my reaction would be as Job upon seeing Him. Father, let humility overtake your servant(s), in Jesus name.

We must be conscious of sin to acknowledge it, or at least what Elihu told Job and Job finally realized...that, God is greater than any mortal.

Please consider a contribution to Stuff With A Message Inc was we restore the call of repentance to the earth because love is the answer, but repentance is the call.

P.O.Box 1823 Powder Springs, GA. 30127


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