Silent Witness?
Can you be a silent witness for Jesus Christ? Some seem to think so, others not, and still others preach how can you be with all He is and has done. There are certainly choices or decisions to be made by the individual, but also by those who are in the role of pastor, apostle, prophet and the like, there must also be permission. Some times there is, yet it seems, more times than not, there is not only very limited/controlled permission, but resistance to let another speak, to give their testimony of what Jesus did for them and in them. They/many have desired to "be heard", to have "a voice and to "be a voice for God", but are met with denial, or outright attack calling the person rebellious. Unfortunately, the kingdom of God has suffered violence, at the hands of those who should be peacemakers, and what better way of peace than to let others know of what Jesus you. Hearsay from a study of knowledge is one thing; revelation from relationship and testimony holds a far greater weight of glory, purpose, and power as well as the Love of God. While all this is real and true, how does it affect the topic?
Silent Witness's, at times are forced into silence. They, at times, WANT to share their testimony but have been told their not educated enough, or mature enough, or obedient enough and they are enough, but are made to believe they are not, thus they fall silent and comatose or become mute for Christ. Their desire to testify becomes an injury that leaders can control, use for their own purpose or even use against the saint and even that is used to silence the witness...for Christ. I know this sounds like a cutting rebuke or correction...and it is in part. Now the questions met as accusations from leadership...who is "he", who are "you" writer? Are you a leader? Are you in the office of a pastor, or apostle, or prophet? Have you served the church or built one? Have you long as I have? All of these seem to be "definers" of a person's PERSONAL TESTIMONY and WITNESS and used to silence the testimony...unless the testimony is "good enough" or sensational enough or can be used to boost the leaders ego, self-esteem, platform or ministry and the kingdom of God suffers the violence of "friendly fire".
The bottom line is we have taught servants/sons/daughters of God to seek permission from a person rather than be obedient to the call of GO...into all the world and voice of God, and we have limited the discipleship to those who can be discipled by the few. Fathers of the faith are no more servants/sons/daughters, and sons are no less the same. What is the definer then? It is GOD, to know His Word and then here/do His voice. In the case of the testimony of one person, allowed to share and encouraged to, may speak the many and it is not something studied, but lived and experienced, not only as an event, but as a life in continual change. It is a life filled with repentance/change, but repentance is another vast subject to tackle and for another time.
Let them...SPEAK UP FOR JESUS from their testimony, because in that prophecy goes forth to let the listener know...if God did that for them, because NOW, I see me in them or them in me, maybe God WILL and can do it for me too.
All that is true, and I do not want to give the reader an excuse to be THAT silent witness, when God has given opportunity. This is something that should be addressed in each person and each role of leadership. Please give it your due diligence and be ready to repent and give others a voice...even if you think, they aren't ready, or whatever. Foster obedience, build the Kingdom and let the name of Jesus be lifted up...not your own.
Stuff With A Message Inc exists with contributions from it founder and those who wish to share financially in some way, through giving or buying books the author wrote. We are not a 501-c-3 however. We support our local church at Abiding Love in Griffin Ga, The Gathering Place in Toccoa Ga who are missionaries to Kenya Africa and others as the Lord directs. Our address is P.O.Box 1823 Powder Springs, GA. 30127
We look forward to hearing from you and wish you the best in Jesus, in repentance and in your walk, search for and pursuit of God.
