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Powerless Without "it" and there are two "it"s.

We write; poetry, novels, plays, music, choreography, articles etc about God and His Kingdom. We preach from pulpits and go to hear (the Word?) and listen and visit.

We play and replay our favorite music on itunes, radio stations, and from CD’s we purchased or were given.

We raise our hands and cry out to God for help.

When do we pray? When do we worship an audience of One? When do we create our own words and songs because of prayer? When do we lift our hands to simply pray and call on God to admit our sin, that I or we have turned our backs on God and repent?

This writing comes after listening to: which I put here for you to listen to, to write from your heart, to create, to preach, and to purchase that which costs you something in your time, your acknowledgement, your pride, your reputation and perhaps move you, as it has me, to repentance, prayer and humility. I can say for myself, I have been where this preacher has spoken of and treated it with some seriousness, but not as an afront to God…because, after all, God is Santa-Claus and understands. That mindset puts the focus solely on Him with no responsibility of confession or repentance on our part. I can also say, not only have “others” sinned, but I have. If there were not a market for sin, the focus would change and why hasn’t it? We fulfill the first 4 sentences of this article, but what about the 5th, 6th, 7th, and/or 8th?

Why have I not been summoned and put in the den of lions? Some have gone there (to church’s) voluntarily and been eaten alive, others maimed, others accepted because the congregants acknowledged their sin and repented. Sadly, the church is the den and the leaders or whoever doesn’t want truth but are willing to call true prophets false, are lions. Because you did not want to become their prey, you have become a part of their pride, joining your pride with theirs.

How will we identify them, or ourselves? The two-edged sword. The Word of God (Sword) calls both the sinner and the saint to repentance, or whosoever will. He causes it to rain on the just and the unjust and salvation is of the Jew but for the Jew and the Gentile. One pastor told me once, “repentance is a quick thing” as if to dismiss it, yet it is the quick thing we need…RIGHT NOW!! The writings in the Word of God are testimonies of those who feared God and those who did not; those who were confronted and repented and those who refused to repent. The mercy of God is so great that He delay’s His judgment DUE, not wanting any to perish but for all to come to…here it is….REPENTANCE. Doom and gloom? Hardly. Salvation? Absolutely! Restoration and Refreshing? That’s what the Word of God says and has over and over proven the remedy. Faith and Trust enough to repent. Sadly, the only doom and gloom there is, is to those who refuse to repent.

Repentance is evidence of God’s mercy and lovingkindness. His allowance and call to you/me is one that is to safety in Him, because there is no safety away from Him. I write, another preaches, another sings, some console, artists reveal, and within it all is entertainings, but it is not set upon entertaining, but salvation. MEN…MINISTERS and because the gender of “Adam” (male) has not stopped the mouth of the serpent, pornography now infects our WOMEN…MINISTERS to a greater degree according to some studies. I have been…GUILTY!! I’ve/we’ve made sin to be as common as the need to sin. The flesh has become the market and we’ve bought into it, yet dismiss it with God understands. I can’t say He doesn’t “understand”, but He does not dismiss, excuse or ignore it. Remember, God is not slow as some count slowness, but He is patient, not wanting any to perish.

Judgments have abounded within the church…lions. Love is no longer our identity…prophets and leaders calling for a repentant lifestyle and being as longsuffering as God and patient. I’ve heard…they WANT to stay in the sin, then they are dismissed as hopeless or WHEN they are ready…BUT GOD is kind, leading us to repentance…all of us. God is calling out to the prideful pastor, leader, lion to lead their “pride” to Him in repentance; to acknowledge God is greater than any mortal; to see their own sin and their own hands is what crushed Jesus. Oh GOD…forgive me; forgive us and let us turn our attention away from our doings, to prayer and repentance before the Mighty God we say we serve, but where our voices have become like an echo because of the emptiness of our relationship with You in prayer. As we pray, answer us and if no answer comes, let us wait on the voice of Our Father, by Holy Spirit, because of Jesus Christ…and Him crucified, yet raised again. Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth and help us to pray with groans to deep for words. And whosoever says, __ __ __ __.

Stuff With a Message is restoring the call of repentance to the earth. You can help by simply sharing these articles. The needs of the ministry are minimal, but the need to restore the call is great. Restore the Call!!

The first 3 who guess what the two "it"s are and respond, will receive a book which I authored for free and inc. S/H. Think about it over some coffee. :)


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