Picking Apart the "Facts" to Reveal Truth
“Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety before they’re approved”
“COVID-19 vaccine development was accelerated without impacting safety”
Picking apart the “facts” to reveal truth.
Per Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hubs/covid_19_info_center/223909465809287
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center
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Facts About COVID-19
These facts come from the World Health Organization. They correct common, untrue rumors about coronavirus (COVID-19).
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Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety before they're approved”
My note: thoroughly tested has a good sound to it, but what does thoroughly tested mean and what does safety mean? They are broad terms that can be present themselves as facts without truth or easily manipulated and redefined as rumors or untrue.
“Vaccines go through extensive trials before they can be introduced in a country.”
My note: Explain “extensive” and “trial’s”. What defines “extensive” and how long is the “trial” within the context of “extensive”? Other vaccines have gone through YEARS of trials/testing before they’re introduced into a country. Does extensive and trial include the host(s) of lab rats, or human populations? Before, the extensivity and trial included only animals such as lab rats, although the U.S. government did test LSD on soldiers. The terminology is to broad and excuses those who promote it from any responsibility. That is itself incomplete.
“Expert doctors and scientists follow strict international standards while deciding whether to approve a vaccine. Like all medicines, vaccines may cause side effects that are usually minor and temporary. More serious side effects are extremely rare. A person is far more likely to be seriously harmed by a disease than by its vaccine.”
My note: Define expert. Dr. Fauci is an “expert” who told whole populations “maybe” wear more than one mask, we don’t know yet…and these “answers” define the irresponsibility of the experts. It does not offer itself to the “extensive”(ity) of the above reference. What some “experts” have said proportionately disagree with what other “experts” say. How is that extensive and thorough if there is not agreement without threat?
Strict? What is “strict” if it doesn’t reveal the extensive and thorough testing and if the expert cannot offer concrete parameters and hope.
“usually minor and temporary”. Usually has an accepted feel but not an extensive, nor a thorough one. Minor is one things and temporary is another. Some have fallen sick which was minor till they died from the vaccine which was then temporary…to them, resulting in thorough and extensive…at least unless they knew Christ and were obedient to Him.
“seriously harmed”…death is a serious harm as it affects the individuals, the family, the community, the country and the world and many have been seriously harmed by the vaccine which does not offer an proof of its extensive, nor thorough testing.
Source: World Health Organization
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“COVID-19 vaccine development was accelerated without impacting safety”
My note: There is no factual proof of this. This has been proven un-factual because the thorough and extensive testing (on the human population) has not been proven.
“The need for a COVID-19 vaccine was urgent, so many resources were used to develop it quickly. Research and development took place at the same time around the world while still adhering to strict safety and clinical standards. This allowed for faster vaccine development, but doesn't make the studies any less rigorous or the vaccine any less safe.”
My note: Is this an excuse to dismiss extensive and thorough? With that thought in mind, was there actual testing going on before this COVID was released from China on the world? Is this a plan from the Elite that has its checks and balances to provide the smoke the make the magician(s) disappear and leave the audience mesmerized and under control?
What is…was the standard since vaccines typically weren’t developed except over years?
A standard absolutely makes “studies” “less rigorous” and can definitely make “the vaccine” “less safe”.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Vaccine side effects are usually mild” My note: except in cases when they often enough cause death.
“Vaccines help protect the body from certain diseases.” My note: And introduce other products into the body. “Like any medicine, they can cause minor, short-term side effects while the body adjusts them, such as a sore arm or a mild fever. More serious side effects are possible, but extremely rare. A person is far more likely to be seriously harmed by a disease than by its vaccine.” My note: This statement is repeated. Why? Sales, convince, move one to blindly trust the science, when the science has not been proven…yet?
Source: World Health Organization
Protect Yourself and Others
Help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) by following common prevention tips. Learn More
My note: What are other “common prevention tips” besides a vaccine? Why are they not mentioned…or unstudied?
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“Vaccine trials involve a diverse range of volunteers” My note: Humans? Define “volunteer”. Did the volunteer, volunteer under a told “fact” that it wouldn’t hurt them…bad, or under the possibility of death? How many volunteers to fill the extensivity and thoroughness principle/standard? Is one a volunteer under full disclosure of side effects up to and including death? What makes one a volunteer: being a citizen of country, does one assume a role or volunteer?
“In clinical trials, people volunteer to take and test the vaccine. These volunteers should be from diverse geographic areas, racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages. They should also include people with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk for the disease. This helps ensure the vaccine is safe and effective for everyone.” My note: This seems like a sensical statement without really making sense. Including people with underlying health conditions” assumes a lot and it seems is hardly scientific or meets a standard, or seems extensive and thorough. Couldn’t the “disease” which the vaccine is suppose to help also trigger the underlying health condition, so that the underlying health condition is actually what may cause death (kill) the “volunteer”? Seems like the standard is hardly extensive or thorough.
Source: World Health Organization
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“COVID-19 vaccine trials are following safety and ethical standards” My note: following what safety and ethical standard? One organization. Then it is hardly extensive or thorough and certainly not a standard, let alone global.
“COVID-19 vaccines, like any vaccine, should follow standard development protocol to test the vaccine's effectiveness and identify any common side effects or safety concerns. This includes multiple stages of testing with tens of thousands of volunteers.” My note: please define “volunteers”, humans with a good mind or humans with an altered mind who are easily coerced and manipulated…or animals without the ability to make a conscious decision?
Source: World Health Organization
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You won't be able to make a COVID-19 vaccine at home
Vaccine development is a complicated, technical process that can't be done at home. It involves extensive laboratory testing followed by clinical trials involving thousands of volunteers. Vaccines must be approved in a country by expert doctors and scientists. My note: Here, please define expert. Are they experts approved of and who agree to align themselves with W.H.O.ever or can they be independent?
Source: World Health Organization
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“When properly worn, medical masks won't make you breathe in too little oxygen or too much carbon dioxide
Medical masks, also known as surgical masks, are flat or pleated masks that attach to the head with straps or loops. Medical masks may feel uncomfortable if worn for a long time, but they won't make you breathe in too little oxygen or too much carbon dioxide.” My note: Many who wore these “medical masks” got COVID-19 so this statement is not factual. Other experts have said this is a false claim.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Drinking alcohol won't prevent or cure COVID-19
Drinking alcohol will not protect you against COVID-19. Consuming too much alcohol can increase your risk of other health problems.”
My note: No brainer. That is common knowledge proven by life more than science.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Consuming bleach or disinfectant is dangerous and won't prevent COVID-19
Bleach and other disinfectants are poisons. Do not spray, drink, or otherwise put them into your body under any circumstances. They should only be used to carefully disinfect surfaces.”
My note: I never heard anyone but MSM say don’t drink bleach, yet credited sitting president Donald Trump as having said what they defined as bleach which was really something expert doctors prescribe for some patients called hydroxychloroquine.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Drinking methanol or ethanol is dangerous and won't prevent or cure COVID-19
Methanol and ethanol are poisons. Drinking them will not kill the COVID-19 virus in your body. It can cause disability or death. Methanol and ethanol are sometimes used in cleaning products that can be used to carefully disinfect surfaces.” My note: The vaccine has proven itself to be in the same class as these poisons causing disability or death, and the vaccine, according to Dr. Fauci and other experts have not proven it to be successful against the virus if the strict protocols must still be met after taking the vaccine.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Holding your breath isn't a test for COVID-19
Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort does not mean you are free from COVID-19 or any other lung disease. The best way to confirm if you have the COVID-19 virus is through a laboratory test.” My note: LOL This HAS to be a panic induced assumption, but if fear is the goal, MSM and the experts W.H.O. want to sell it and the vaccine have accomplished their expert task which has been extensive and thorough. God is not pleased.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Eating garlic doesn't prevent or cure COVID-19
Garlic is a healthy food that may kill some microbes, but there is no evidence that it protects people from COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to keep a safe distance from others and clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.” My note: “no evidence” means what? Is this a possible “preventative” that has not been “thoroughly” or “extensively” studied? Why not?
Source: World Health Organization
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“Young people can get COVID-19
People of all ages can be infected by the COVID-19 virus. Everyone, no matter how old, should practice prevention measures, such as cleaning your hands regularly and keeping a safe distance from others.”
Source: World Health Organization
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“Heat and humidity don't stop the spread of COVID-19
You can catch COVID-19 no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to keep a safe distance from others and clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.” My note: It may not stop the “spread” but can it help to cure or to recover from it? “reported cases” means what? If they a far less report rate than countries with lower temperatures then is that not proof that the sun, or the heat may be a preventative measure?
Source: World Health Organization
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“Eating hot peppers won't cure or prevent COVID-19
Peppers may be tasty, but they can't prevent or cure COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to keep a safe distance from others and clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.” My note: Another repeated statement of sale.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Antibiotics can't treat or prevent COVID-19
Antibiotics only work against bacteria, not viruses. COVID-19 is caused by a virus. Patients with COVID-19 may receive antibiotics to treat bacterial infections that occur at the same time.” My note: This one actually makes sense.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Vitamin and mineral supplements won’t cure COVID-19
Zinc, vitamins D, C and other supplements won’t cure COVID-19, though they are important for a well-functioning immune system and overall health.” My note: May not “cure” but are they preventative measures which seems real and true…even scientific.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Hot baths don't prevent COVID-19
No matter how hot your shower or bath is, your normal body temperature remains about the same. Bathing with extremely hot water can cause burns. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to keep a safe distance from others and clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.” My note: there is the selling statement again. Beginning to sound more and more like propaganda. Take the vaccine…take the vaccine…take the vaccine and lie spoken enough times can seem to be truth or fact, but remains…a lie.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Cold and snow don't prevent COVID-19
Cold weather does not cure, treat or prevent the spread of COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to keep a safe distance from others and clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.” My note: There is the propaganda again.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Pneumonia vaccines don't prevent COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus is so new and different that it needs its own vaccine. Existing vaccines are highly recommended, however, to protect your health from pneumonia.”
Source: World Health Organization
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“Hand dryers don't prevent COVID-19
Hand dryers cannot kill the COVID-19 virus. To protect yourself from COVID-19, frequently clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Dry them thoroughly with paper towels or a warm air dryer.” *****
Source: World Health Organization
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“Regularly rinsing your nose with saline doesn't prevent COVID-19
There is no evidence that regular saline rinses protect people from COVID-19 or other respiratory infections. There is some limited evidence that they can help you recover faster from the common cold.” My note: Finally, a place of admittance, where “limited” evidence is introduced and used. I would have to ask what is meant by “limited”. Limited because it has been extensively or thoroughly studied?
Source: World Health Organization
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“Ultra-violet lamps shouldn't be used to prevent or cure COVID-19
UV lamps should not be used to disinfect your skin or hands. They can irritate your skin and damage your eyes. Cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water is the most effective way to remove the COVID-19 virus.” My note: So, what is meant? Is “Ultra-violet lamps” a preventative measure or cure…if sufficiently protected? Or is being sufficiently protected able and if so, what are those measures? In other words…don’t try this at home.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Mosquito bites don't spread COVID-19
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can spread through mosquito bites. COVID-19 spreads mainly through droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. It can also spread if you touch an infected surface and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. To protect yourself, clean your hands often and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home.” My note: This is almost to ridiculous. If we use lysterine or other alcohol based mouth-washes would that be helpful as well?
Source: World Health Organization
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“Houseflies don't spread COVID-19
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can spread through houseflies. COVID-19 spreads mainly through droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. It can also spread if you touch an infected surface and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. To protect yourself, clean your hands often and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home.” My note: There’s the fear induction again…propaganda. IF these were true, why are so many more not infected and dying, since we didn’t learn about this till AFTER it was released upon the world?
Source: World Health Organization
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“5G mobile networks don't spread COVID-19
Viruses, including the one that causes COVID-19, cannot travel on radio waves or mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.” My note: Pretty much makes sense, however, can it be used to affect the person who takes the vaccine? Hence, the fear of the scientific community and W.H.O is more attributable than the virus itself.
Source: World Health Organization
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“It's very unlikely that shoes spread COVID-19
The likelihood of COVID-19 being spread by shoes is very low. As an extra safety step, consider leaving your shoes at the entrance of your home, particularly if infants or small children play on the floors. This will prevent contact with dirt or waste from the soles of shoes.” My note: Really? The “dirt or waste from the soles of shoes” is picked up from the outside. Does this mean everywhere in our world needs to be avoided? Is this another inclusion and use for fear tactics?
Source: World Health Organization
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“COVID-19 is caused by a virus, not by bacteria
The virus that causes COVID-19 belongs to a virus family called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses. Some people with COVID-19 also develop a bacterial infection at the same time. In this case, antibiotics may be recommended by a health care provider.” My note: You already said this above.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Most people recover from COVID-19
Most people who get COVID-19 have mild or moderate symptoms and can recover with medical care. If you have symptoms like cough, fever or difficulty breathing, seek medical care. Call a doctor by telephone before going into a medical office or hospital. If you have fever and live in an area with malaria or dengue fever, call a doctor immediately.” My note: Since most people recover, and the vaccine seems to not hold a very good “recover” rate, and the advice is to STILL practice social distancing and limit talking (expressing idea’s) and other communicative measures, then why is W.H.O. and other “expert”s such as Dr. Fauci urgently enforcing and adamant about getting the vaccine? To cause fear, to reduce a “spread”…even though it is not proven as an effective measure against the spread?
Source: World Health Organization
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“Thermal scanners detect fever, not COVID-19
Thermal scanners can detect people who have a fever, which can be due to COVID-19. However, not everyone who gets COVID-19 develops a fever. Thermal scanners also cannot detect people who are infected but not yet sick with fever. This is because it takes 2 to 10 days for people infected with COVID-19 to develop fever.” My note: Makes sense.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Older people aren't the only ones at risk for COVID-19
People of all ages can be infected by the COVID-19 virus. People who are 60 or over and those with conditions like asthma, diabetes and heart disease are at higher risk of becoming severely ill. Everyone should practice prevention measures like cleaning your hands regularly and keeping a safe distance from others.” My note: What are some realistic preventative measures other than “stay away”, and most people already clean their hands regularly. Alkalize the body? Take vitamins? Get in the sun? Since the vaccine is not at a level of “preventing” the spread or cure, give some realistic preventative measures that doesn’t force our alliance and finances and trust to go toward “science” and “government”.
Source: World Health Organization
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“Hydroxychloroquine shouldn't be used to treat COVID-19
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are treatments for malaria and other diseases. However, WHO does not recommend either of these to treat COVID-19, regardless of disease severity. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not been shown to reduce mortality or length of hospitalization and may increase the risk of diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.” My note: “for malaria and ‘other’ diseases”. Um….Ok, and this virus, defined as an‘other’ disease? “Shouldn’t be used”. Why not if its proven itself effective by “expert” doctors/scientists? Are the side effects not acceptable for hydroxychloroquine as they are for the vaccine? Why not? Should we accept this just because W.H.O. says it, which is not the only experts in their assumed role? One set of experts, who are not in agreement with other experts constitute less than extensive and thorough evidence of one thing over another.
Fear can be a monger. Definition of monger: “a person who promotes a specified activity, situation, or feeling, especially one that is undesirable or discreditable”. (https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/) The fear of the God of the Bible is a beginning of…knowledge, wisdom, clean, to hate evil, as well as to depart from evil, hence if you are in evil…depart from it or repent to God. After all, look what goodness you get and remember, it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance…away from evil and into true knowledge, wisdom and the like.
Stuff With a Message, nor any of it's contributors are scientists and cannot prescribe any medical advice for any medical condition(s). This writing is to bring into reasonable questions. Stuff With a Message endorses each person to follow the direction given to them from their doctors and in no way desires or tries to move you away from a prescribed plan of action. We seek to encourage and endorse your own questioning, but with the addition to involving the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel), the God of the whole earth, and the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ. Even among scientist, He is recognized as a healer, as well as in scripture that defines Him partly as, The Great Physician. No part of this writing seeks to move the reader away from the science proven or from advice and prescription from their professional and personal doctors. We are here to encourage and pray, while also to challenge and pray and turn one from death (hell) to life (God). The apostle Paul said..."whether I live or I die, I am the Lords". (See Romans 14 Complete Jewish Bible) A question I might ask...do you belong to the Lord, having repented and living in a state of repentance and trust and doing the good work He prepared for you...before you were even born?(again)
Will you receive Christ today? I look forward to hearing from you
Stuff With a Message is restoring the call of Repentance to the earth.
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