Line Upon Line
There are to many sky hooks in today's world. WHAT??? To many not founded on truth, or repentance, or grounded faith/trust. Jesus and the Kingdom of God has become clouds upon which many have hung their "grip" or "anchor" if you will. Yet, in Isaiah 28 it is written; v10 "For precept MUST BE upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little". In these verses is a concept entertainment has led us away from because we let the world and the flesh entertain us, rather than truth and maturity or any expectation thereof. Emotion...untamed and wild as a buck in rut after a doe in heat. Chapter 28 is essentially about repentance. According to the Complete Jewish Bible a part of the text reads..."Must one teach barely weaned toddlers, babies just taken from the breast,
10 so that [one has to use nursery rhymes]?" which reveals the infantile and immaturity of a people. Yet, what is the theme of this section of scripture? What is "the rest" it talks about? Looking though the scriptural text and also at commentaries, it is pretty clear that repentance has been left out and they have put their hope only in a God who provides because He loves. They have forgotten or looked away from God upon which truth is pursued, revealed and discovered. The "line upon line" is a maturing...but the text begs to be answered and confronted: "Whom will teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breast?"
What is "the message", the knowledge", the "understanding"? The message is repentance as already spoken of. Proverbs 9:10 has some insight for us. According to the CJB; "The fear of ADONAI is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of holy ones is understanding". The NKJV renders it the same except it says, "And knowledge of the Holy One"... What have we learned from the Word of God? Grace, mercy, forgiveness, healing, speaking in tongues, kindnesses to be sure. However, how often have we heard...according to Hosea 5, "Afterwards, the people of Isra'el will repent and seek ADONAI their God and David their king; they will come trembling to ADONAI and his goodness in the acharit-hayamim" . After all, isn't that how a child comes either when they are in trouble or caught. Part of the point here is to not get caught before the door of repentance closes or you continually ignore the call of God's Spirit to return as though an unruly child who, from Romans 2, "Or perhaps you despise the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience; because you don't realize that God's kindness is intended to lead you to turn from your sins". I know that was a long sentence and I have lived in the longevity of that sentence at times, but without the pursuit of repentance and THAT because of God's goodness. He could've left me and He would have been right because He is righteous and His judgments are righteous.
So who will teach...repentance? Who will teach line upon line, not playing Jenga? Who will teach the knowledge...of the Holy One...which is understanding? Who will teach the fear of the Lord? Who will challenge that many may be despising God's kindness and lead them to repentance?
Have many gotten so far ahead in God that they are convinced of their own righteousness and no longer compare themselves only to God? Repentance is continual in pursuit of God to come closer and a part of the initial turning away from sin. A minister I once knew said, then who can be saved. Thanks be God through Jesus Christ who is our righteousness...a righteousness not our own and accepted by God for the amending of the sins of mankind....yours and mine. No righteousness of ours is "good enough" even though God may call us blameless or have we learned anything from Job? The suffering of man but that without repentance and once the one convinced of his own righteousness and of whom God called blameless, turned upon his repentance. At the point of Job comparing himself to God, all his "righteousness" became like filthy rags.
Who is your righteousness? You or Christ? To whom do you compare yourself, someone less of the Holy One who is greater than all? When Abraham SAW God, he bowed. When Isaiah SAW God, he cried out...I am undone!!! When Job SAW God, he put his hand over his mouth and repented---even though there is no assigned sin from God. When John the beloved SAW Jesus, he fell at His feet. When demons just believe they tremble.
The Apostle Paul said in Acts 3, " But this is how God fulfilled what he had announced in advance, when he spoke through all the prophets, namely, that his Messiah was to die.
19 "Therefore, repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased;
20 so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord's presence; and he may send the Messiah appointed in advance for you, that is, Yeshua". Refreshing according to one concordance renders the word also...revival.
The choice then? Remain immature or begin maturing. Repent or despise the riches of God's glory. The decision is yours, as is the responsibility to mature...with God's help or remain and who needs help or who would help one who decides to do nothing? Food for thought. I pray you are challenged, blessed and fed in all the goodness and council of God by His Holy Spirit...and by His Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Love is the answer, Repentance is the call
Now, lets praise...together and be "refreshed".