Knowledge of man v Knowledge of God
Here is a knowledge of man or a knowledge of man who can create his own "god".
Transhumanism is its name and "is a philosophical movement, the proponents of which advocate and predict the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities". (
It assumes a knowledge or "alternative knowledge" that is equal to God. The reality that it is a "movement" of human-kind and is "philosophical" in definition and nature should cause alarm and concern even for the athiest...IF they are seeking for truth. In essence, transhumanism can make a man...god(like) and accepted by other human's not yet "trans". Perhaps it is a normalization of "trans". However, without the Knowledge of God, there is no understanding...of God, nor of relationships and their dynamics. No need for repentance, salvation, forgiveness, grace or love. It may be inclusive of those, but it's repentance is toward a "trans" not a truth, a fiction, not a fact although the illusion will appear...real. It makes God and His creation..."predictable" to the technologies created by wicked men who have turned away from God and think THIS creation somehow will "enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities". The Word of God differs and so does Elihu in the book of Job who reminded Job that God is greater than ANY mortal...regardless of technology, longevity, mood or cognition. In truth, it is when men turn back to God that enhances the human condition, where He is the advocate that predicts the outcome of where longevity (eternity) is dwelt by..."whosoever will" believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
The argument, presentation, introduction, of it may stimulate the mind of thinking men, but thinking men IF they include the knowledge of Adam (man) should look and consider that we better stay with God on this rather than some political, philosophical, intelligent movements or humans given to the narrative of "Did God really say".
In all your getting, get understanding. The knowledge of the Holy One, IS understanding. When Job THOUGHT he had become the trans-human by his knowledge of the Holy One found out...even he spoke of things TO WONDERFUL for him to understand. In the enhancement of the humans was repentance that led to GOD...restoring Jobs' fortunes, even more than before. Yes, mankind wears out, but can recreate with the seed in the earth. Yes, tree's and vegetation dies, but drop seeds to replenish. However, everything man has made wears out...period. It has no lasting value. University's have left the knowledge of God and embraced humanism, transhumanism, technologies and movements when the single most and greatest value that is both proponent and advocate is the God and His knowledge, they ignore, yet get all their creations from. They just who is driving this knowledge? The knowledge of good and evil, or the knowledge of God; the knowledge of darkness or the knowledge of light are the only answers. Notice, with the first and last there is a choice to make between good and evil and between darkness and light, but in one there is only God. Think on that...and choose.