I don't think it's a lost "art", though perhaps a dismissed responsibility. Many responsibilities are taken from men. I read a minister's review once of the Patriarch's, basically decrying them as control. While it can be certain that the gender of men can and has used the term as a domination and control, it can also be seen that imperfect men were in process of change or used it only as the intent of being a husbandman or manager. Order is not the same as control. There can be control in order, but order is not allowed where only control is the goal. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel is the God of Order. He is not "a" god of order, but THE only God of Order. Other gods are in pursuit of control as their goal. "gods" are manmade pursuit, set in control, in selfishness, in domination of flesh, but not of spirit. The reason the Jews thought, as their religious leaders did, that God would make the Romans subservient and "restore" Israel, was because they thought according to the flesh, but not ruling or dominating their own spirit and bringing it into the subjection of the Spirit of God. Mankind should become subservient to who created them. John 1:3 says, "All things came to be through him, and without him nothing made had being". (Complete Jewish Bible) If it has "being" it has order. One may have age and another youth, but they are both equal because there is order. Taking things out of order is to elevate one person above another by title, circumstance, education, status, age, or experience.
These "children" called grand-children are not only a gift, but a reminder of God's the aged. If you question that, please review the relationship of Elihu and Job. My grandchildren are a blessing and I have, for my part, taught them about God and let them speak. I don't call their ponderings or conversations or revelations "cute", but I listen carefully. Maybe you should to...Grandpa.
As I read several articles of grandparenting, I realized much of the role of grandFathering has been characterized as what the studies most noted with very rare information on the depth of times a grandFather changes diapers, holds, prays over, consoles and spoils their grandchild. Grandfathers in the Bible had much more than just teaching the grandchild(ren) things related to tools and to the use of utility, but to their value and identity. One article says, "Even as they age and are able to do less, they are no less valuable". ( Even in the broken relationships, the father, the patriarch was held in the order of others, and by God Himself, who is in "control" within THAT order.
Men...fathers, Grand-Fathers, it is time to rise up, to teach your grands about the world God created through Jesus Christ and to teach them, love them, give guidance; not just as counsel, but in your conversations. Dialogue, monologue and sometimes..."let me TELL YOU" because you are humble enough to tell, but also to listen so correction can be given and mis-understandings cleared up. BE Involved!! GET Involved!! If you can't, are not allowed or have become can still pray and bless, even if you can't kiss them. Take time, because it is as important to your health, as it is to their well-being. Teach them to be humble and tell them the times you were humbled as that grand is telling you what you use to do, but found it was not a right way.
Now...I taught my granddaughters to use a straw to spit spitballs. As my daughter said..."bad Pa". LOL She was kidding, but enjoy them, love them and reveal the value you hold within you. God bless you...Grand-Father.
Love is the answer, Repentance is the call.
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