False Positive Prophets
Hananiah was mentioned as a prophet in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 28. Whether he was a prophet of the Lord, of a king, or of familial origin made no difference to Jeremiah who was a true prophet. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet and who spoke to Israel to repent. Hananiah spoke... "words of life", of "positive confession", of "hope" to "encourage" people, yet he spoke false words because they were not the words of the Lord. Jeremiah confronted Hananiah, but only after it seemed he agreed with him and before Jeremiah heard the word of the Lord...the true word, the word Hananiah did not speak, nor it seems search for. Basically Hananiah spoke as a prophet and he spoke positive words to cause the people to hope in "his" words as though God had spoken to him, but because he did not speak from hearing God, yet framed his words with "Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying" (Jeremiah 28:2 KJV) God spoke to Jeremiah to tell him he would die for giving the people a false positive prophetic word. Why did Jeremiah hear the voice of God, but not Hananiah? Was it because Hananiah's ears were closed to the voice of God? Maybe he didn't like Jeremiahs words to repent, so he spoke from his own understanding? Maybe he didn't want to see the people suffer in anguish anymore as they waited. Why had they waited? Was it because they did not hear the word of the prophet Jeremiah...to repent, or they had and now were just waiting on the time to be fulfilled? A number of question and consideration could be discussed. However, God spoke to Jeremiah, Jeremiah heard, and Jeremiah spoke the true word of God and that not from a place of feeling or hope of deliverance from a "loving" God, but of truth, as a true prophet does.
What was Hananiah's fate? He would die that same year. Today it is the year 2022. God has suffered the prophets who have spoken in His name, of the true prophet and the false ones, because He is patient not wanting any to perish. I heard the Lord say, it will soon be "I" will operate in this context. Though "I" do not want any to perish, "I" have given them time to repent, but now "I" must act and the false prophets have given "Me" no other option but to do anything different. For any who read this that have been in rebellion...REPENT NOW and change your words. Tell "MY" people to Repent and stop giving them false hopes, false dreams and false visions. IF you speak in the end of days, as these days are, you MUST speak as I already have to "MY" people, "MY" church's, even those who were not "MINE". Repent or hold on to what you have. One other thing is that it is mentioned that one of the church's "tolerated" Jezebel and God was not happy with them, because they tolerated wickedness, they tolerated one who refused to repent. True prophets call out...REPENT and their comparison is not to a person or their behavior or even their blamelessness, but to God.
Repent and Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved...then...endure till the end.
May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you from this very moment, forward.