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Elihu: Mystery Youth Revivalist

El: God

Eli: Priest

Elijah: Prophet

Elisha: Prophet

Emmanuel: God with us


Where did Elihu disappear to? Who is Elihu? Not much is known about him. To some, because they cannot explain him, or his genealogy they dismiss him as never really existed except in the poem of the life of Job in the Bible. That is usually the case until archaeologists finally discover that the Bible is, in fact also reliable and true, but deem it as un-factual and untrue although very probably true, at least when it comes from the Bible. Without deeming it a lie, they bring it into question, therefore less than factual or true. Mankind may even call it “myth”, although when it is something other than the God of the Bible, more acceptable. Mankind in the several fields have proven themselves and their search for fact, evidence that the God of the Bible is true. The prophet Isaiah says this in chapter 29 from the Complete Jewish Bible: “ 13 Then Adonai said: "Because these people approach me with empty words, and the honor they bestow on me is mere lip-service; while in fact they have distanced their hearts from me, and their 'fear of me' is just a mitzvah of human origin 14 therefore, I will have to keep shocking these people with astounding and amazing things, until the 'wisdom' of their 'wise ones' vanishes, and the 'discernment' of their 'discerning ones' is hidden away." 15 Woe to those who burrow down deep to hide their plans from ADONAI! They work in the dark and say to themselves, "Nobody sees us, nobody knows us." 16 How you turn things upside down! - Is the potter not better than the clay, Does something made say of its maker, "He didn't make me"? Does the product say of its producer, "He has no discernment"? 17 In but a little while the L'vanon will be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field regarded as a forest. 18 On that day the deaf will hear the words of a book, and out of gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see. 19 The humble will again rejoice in ADONAI and the poor exult in the Holy One of Isra'el, 20 for the tyrant is now nothing, the scoffer is finished, and all alert to do evil are cut off”. The pattern that educated men in this day and its many university’s assume to discover “evidence” that has proved false, un-factual and untrue when they speak only of facts without the wisdom of God. By the way, that was Job’s assumption as well, that he had learned enough to know something he didn’t understand. For the New Covenant reference to Isaiah look at Matthew 15:8

I’ve read so many articles on Elihu, yet he remains debatable and ignored, but was what brought revival and the voice of God to bear upon Job. Some say, Elihu accused Job, but he didn’t; he confronted him with the truth. Some say, Elihu was ignored by God. He wasn’t; he was interrupted by God. Some say, Elihu wasn’t there for the duration and came in only at the end. That is also a lie. The text of Job 32 bears this out. Read it: “2 But then the anger of Elihu the son of Barakh'el the Buzi, from the family of Ram, blazed up against Iyov for thinking he was right and God wrong. 3 His anger also blazed up against his three friends, because they had found no answer to Iyov but condemned him anyway. 4 Elihu had waited to speak to Iyov because they were older than he; 5 however, when Elihu saw that these three had no answer, his anger flared up. 6 Elihu the son of Barakh'el the Buzi said: "I am young, and you are old, so I held back from telling you my opinion. 7 I said, 'Age should speak; an abundance of years should teach wisdom.' 8 But it is the spirit in a person, the breath from Shaddai, that gives him understanding - 9 it isn't [only] the great who are wise or the aged who know how to judge. 10 Therefore, I say, listen to me; I too will express my opinion. 11 "Here, I waited for your words, I listened to your reasoning, as you were searching for what to say. 12 I paid attention to you, but none of you convicted Iyov or refuted his arguments.” Elihu is not a mystery figure and he did not approach the discussion after it ended. HE WAS THERE!!

Where did all this “discussion” and quite frankly, banter come from? Educated men? Yes. So now, we discuss according to a lie rather than searching from truth, by READING OURSELVES and hearing God’s voice…OURSELVES and coming from THAT point for discussion and then agreement, to have ONE VOICE…GODS and ONE ACTION…Job’s. Elihu’s voice mattered! It pointed men to God and back to God and for that God interrupted Elihu and did not pronounce sentence, unless Job prayed for them, as He did on Jobs three friends.

What isn’t clear is why, or just what was his purpose for being there. Who was he to Job, or the other three of Job’s friends, if anyone? If nothing else, and despite everything else, the youth brought in the voice of God for Job, upon his confrontation, the truth and a reminder to Look On the Wonders of God again. Jobs response AFTER God speaks…confession and repentance because he not only heard God at that point, but he SAW HIM. What is ours to be? Individually!? Hopefully corporately, if it is confession and repentance.

Stuff With a Message is restoring the call of repentance to the earth. You can help by simply sharing these articles. The needs of the ministry are minimal, but the need to restore the call is great. Restore the Call!!


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