Differing Opinions of Poetry
Yesterday I picked up a magazine. Frankly, I don't remember what the name of it was. It was next to where I was sitting (if you know what I mean). I rarely read a magazine as they all seem so bias one or the other, and knowing me, would enter a debate or try to include another way of thinking. I don't have time for that. Luke 10:4 says, "Don't carry a money-belt or a pack, and don't stop to shmoose with people on the road". (Complete Jewish Bible) In other words, greet no-one on the road, or don't delay in your journey even to greet anyone. Well,,.my journey has been to give more credence to Poetry and it's importance that many have dismissed, ignored or dis-categorized. In my book, When Poets Influenced the World, one of the United States presidents encouraged authors and poetic thinkers (poets) to enter the political arena. A link to the whole communication is in the book. John F. Kennedy saw the value, not just of poetry, but of the thinkers, the imaginers, the creatives and hoped some of his own party would enter into the thinking process of poetry as well. Here is a quote of John F. Kennedy from the manuscript of his letter and in When Poets Influenced the World: "those of us in the political arena obtain our ideas, our ideals, our issues and our inspiration” from poetry and authors. (Kennedy)"
Where Kennedy called for more his constituents to engage in poetry as readers (at least) was to his own party and to that of the English Parliament who received a rather scathing remark in Kennedy's letter. I fear many of our politicians have fallen to that remark here in the United States. Poetry over all, has been reduced to entertainment. Did you catch that? "Entertainment" reduced...a vital relationship between the American people and their elected officials. I would encourage you to read the whole letter by Kennedy. I'll place the link at the bottom.
Why do I say this "now"? Inside the magazine was an interview with Kamala Harris. Her quoted statement is telling of the fall from intellectualism and connection of the politician and the author/poet and perhaps the reverse is true as well. In our hyper sensitivity we no longer criticize, but let's put it all into the realm of...get this..."political"..."correct", when it has become anything but. Mrs. Harris said in the article by Yamiche Alcindor: "“I’m just trying to get at the truth,” says Harris, 54. “I don’t believe my time is to sit here and spew poetry. It’s not for some kind of performance art. It’s not about grand gestures.”" (Glamour October 31, 2018) Has poetry fallen so far that poets no longer look for truth and write about IT more so than a vague term of "justice"? When I write as a poet...I don't try to write for "justice", but from truth. The "spew", could be taken offensively to be sure, but what is the truth of her comment. She doesn't know poetry as it USED to be and should be a scathing accusation of poets today. We, as poets, have accepted the categorization of, according to Kamala Harris, "performance art", and "grand gestures". However, the ancient poets still spoke from a place of truth which included emotion and justice, contrast and confrontation, but rarely to "spew" or for some stage name or accomplishment.
The article itself dismisses any "work" done by a poet to look for truth. https://www.glamour.com/story/women-of-the-year-2018-kamala-harris
This should bring the poet to repentance and the politician too, if looking for justice, research the ancient poets who spoke from intellectual and reality in their writings, which use to be elaborated by other statesmen and women within the political as well as many other fields. "But today, in our own country, this link is all but gone. Where are the scholar-statesmen of yesteryear? The American politician of today is fearful, if not scornful, of entering the literary world with the courage of a Beveridge. And the American author and scholar of today is reluctant, if not disdainful, of entering the political world with the enthusiasm of a Paul Douglas." (Kennedy) https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/cleveland-oh-19580220
According to the article in Glamour, I could criticize the Vice-President as being fearful and scornful. What "justice" or is it more for her political career? Is it truly a "sense of justice" or, according to her platform, one more of political ambition? With that said, the poet is not left out. What is our writing about? What truth? Their own, or eternal? Is it from a place of "justice" for justice sake, according to the Love of God, or of self? If self, it can easily become scornful and, while spewing rhetoric can also be of ambition for the stage or notoriety. If not, it would fall to a truth that all (responsible) men "ought" to embrace, and that would be the intent of the Eternal...One, who died on a cross so justice could be served and mankind acquitted, but only through the sacrifice of God's one and only Son...Jesus Christ. Why do we not speak of His justice and poetry? Why is that justice and poetry ignored? After all, what Jesus "spewed" was from truth and hardly ambition, because it put him on the cross. Three days later, Justice again, when He rose from the dead.
What is our justice? Repentance and Salvation through the One who came from and was, and still is....truth. That is the responsibility of the poet and the politician, namely (put your name here). Perhaps, we all, need to acquaint ourselves more with ancient poetry and that pursuit of truth.
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Other books can be found at amazon.com or thebookpatch.com When Poets Influenced the World is on thebookpatch.com
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