Day's of Lingering
Folks, we are in the days of waiting. Waiting for the appearing of the Son of Man, which is the same as the Son of God, for God has given Him (Jesus) authority over all the kingdoms of the earth and His arm is not to short to save. In fact, He (Jesus) stretched Himself out on a cross, in full display before all men...then, yet His sacrifice touched all who came before Him (in His birth, for He was before all mankind came into being), and all who came after His death. His resurrection declared His victory over death and hell, and His authority over such. Today, then and before and into the future, till He comes again, He offers to all mankind...the whosoever will believe and trust His sacrifice, not just believe that He was in the beginning with God, nor that He resurrected, but the sacrifice that was necessary for the forgiveness of sin, having committed no son Himself. THAT is why He and only He could be the sacrifice and because He was born of a virgin and not of the seed of a man. But God is patient, not wanting any to perish, but that all would come to repentance. Even the Revelation (the book) is riddled with the heart of God...for the church's and for those outside, to call upon the one who is able to stop the influence of the wickedness of earth, trusting in Him. Trusting Jesus Christ is more than just for the door prize if you will. It is for the entry, but also the thoroughness of searching the depth and height and width and length of God. It is an invitation to come into safety and trust THAT ONE sacrifice that even after it is accepted, THAT ONE sacrifice still is the stamp of "approval" if you will. The place where the life you live is nothing in comparison to Him. We linger, waiting on the Glory of God, not ourselves, or our own. We LONGGGGG for THAT DAY!!! It is a walk/journey and engagement of holiness and responsibility to wait and to become a son of God through THAT ONE sacrifice. Will you trust Him? Do you (still) trust Him and only Him? Is your testimony what God did for you by earthly means or by THAT ONE sacrifice? Only you can answer that and only you will answer THAT ONE...on THAT DAY. What was and still is the call to enter into waiting/lingering/eventually seeing? Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Call on Jesus. His grace is amazing, and His mercy new every morning, but is for the one(s) who have entered into and engaged with a heart of repentance and belief that I will linger till Jesus Christ is me if no one else.
Love is the answer, Repentance is the call.
Jesus is calling the Bride back, but the Bride must come out of her filth and into repentance. It is the lack of repentance that is filth, not necessarily the wickedness. The greatest wickedness is the lack, or refusal of repentance.
By the way, Jesus is shedding the light on where the bride of Christ is. The light on the bride is not a tractor beam. Selah
Respond. No response is the same as saying no.