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COVIDing Racial Divides

I offer you this as you read:

As I have been watching and listening to the division and cry for relief within our country and the world, sometimes it is best to do just that. After all we have two ears, two eyes and only one mouth. Even as I type I wonder that the divide in every way did not rise out of a rumbling, shaking, even a hatred for a country and then a man that country voted into office of President. Many can't even or refuse to name his name. They call him #45, or other array of things including antichrist, while anarchists are hired to perform, riot and protest against a man using anything negative while almost refusing to see the positive things he has accomplished. Within that lies a disparity all itself, that many refuse to confront within themselves. Many, crosses all "divides" racially, ethnically, socio-economically, gender and "class" (if there is such a thing). However, as I look over information and ponder on things, I wonder there is not a more sinister plot against a color/race of people and thereby a whole people regardless of color or race or any "divide". We are all feeling it. It's called "white supremacy" or "white privilege" on one side and "black lives matter" and "civil rights" on the other.

An amazing reality can be seen in the divide. That we are all one when we seek to heal whatever it is that is affecting one of us, let alone all of us...IF we will com together to consider and recognize a potential plot to trade freedom for whatever feels good, although it may not be good for everyone, or trade race for equality and oneness, and the list could go on.

So what is the potential plot? I question, why is it the black color of skin or the black "race" that seems disproportionately affected.? In an article dated 5/7/2020 in The Guardian, the author says, "Guardian research last month confirmed suspicions that minority groups faced the greatest risk from the coronavirus and showed that areas with high ethnic minority populations in England and Wales tended to have higher mortality rates in the pandemic" (Booth/Barr). Given that, and the stated that the black community is disproportionately affected in most all cases of outbreaks of pandemic and vaccinating or fatherlessness or demeaning over time it has not only affected that population, but OUR whole population, thus we are all affected and under attack. However the disproportionate statement of "white supremacy" is not given to all whites, but only to those who seek to annihilate a race of people. Planned Parenthood=holocaust of the black population by abortion on demand...the Jews who most "black" people would confirm is their roots=the holocaust of Hitler and Marxist regime. In support of the "black" population (because I am considered "white"), the Bible supports the idea of the roots from my limited understanding in Songs of Solomon which says of The Bride..."I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon" (KJV, Songs of Solomon 1:5) I am reminded that the nation of Israel was in bondage/slavery to Egypt four hundred years and that Jacob wrestled with God...and was given the new name of Israel. I am just now reminded that God hovered...over the darkness before He spoke..."Light BE" and light does not equate to white. Our sin is the darkness, therefore all humanity can claim that God hovered over each one of us. "I am the dark" is the beginning of one of my poems in my book "Looseleaf to Tempered But Not Overnight". (Goss) I am certain you can find other resources that speak truthfully to these things. However, COVID disproportionately affects the black community up to 4X as much as the white, and the statistics from the article mentioned above (Booth, Barr) reveals somethings we should take note of. If we are to get the root of the disproportion over all, we must address the root of the disproportion itself. This may come upon the hiring of more, or the "give away" of things or greater freedoms, causing further disproportion. We must find the root and cut it off remembering that the tares and wheat must grow up together. The disproportion is there, but we are seeing the field rather than the fruit and we are saying we are all the same, when we are not. Some are tare and some wheat, but it is according to fruit, not appearance.

Remember COVID affected and affects us all, therefore we are all targets for a One World Order or Global worldview of an order of chaos and control, rather than an order in the midst of patient love that always protects, hopes, believe, trusts and does not rejoice when it gets its own way, but which rejoices in truth. Isn't that what is missing in this? Aren't we trying to treat or cure a thing with

"tongues of men, even angels;'...'the gift of prophecy, I may fathom all mysteries, know all things, have all faith - enough to move mountains;'...'give away everything that I own, I may even hand over my body to be burned;'"? But look what we "gain"..."NOTHING"!! (1 Corinthians 13:1-3, Complete Jewish Bible). Yes folks, love is the answer, but it is not one-sided, nor disproportionately assigned. Some claim their heritage or roots as the Pharisees did, while Jesus said, "And don't suppose you can comfort yourselves by saying, `Avraham is our father'! For I tell you that God can raise up for Avraham sons from these stones!" (Matt 3:9 CJB)

Remember in all this, God is no respecter of persons...whosoever will or is willing. Repentance is measured, in definition by willingness. Jezebel is mentioned even among the end time church's in Revelation, but she was not willing. WE...are the church, not the building, but the temple of our body. I've violated this temple at times and had to repent and still do at times. Are...WE...willing to join together as one "church" so the world will have nothing else to say except what it says in John 13:35, Thessalonians 4:9, 1 Peter 1:22 and 2 John 1:6? Take notice of 1 Peter 1:22...there is a purging of yourself to learn to love the brethren and perhaps that is a place we are in at the time in this year of 2020. To purge, one must remain repentant as a practice, not an event. Love is the answer, Repentance is the call.

Take note people, the black community has been under sustained attack, but so have divide with "white supremacy" with the cry of "black lives matter". I cannot say, however the "white privilege" is sustainable because although the narrative is to brainwash, many in every color/race is not given to the narrative of the enemy of our soul, but to God whose desire is that all men would come to repentance and upon whose goodness is designed to...lead repentance. Are you willing? Are WE willing...whosoever, knowing not all whosoevers...will? I pray the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ directs you into all truth and that we, as many as will, respond. To note: equal justice is not found on this earth, but from heaven. Remember those under the throne asked...when will we see our justice at which they were told,, when the number of your brethren have been fulfilled. In closing, re-member love, remain re-pentant, and consider one another greater than yourself...and in all these things, love one another deeply. Now, it's your turn to vote...for #2 Adam (The overcomer who defeated death, hell and the grave), or stay with #1 Adam (defeated, fallen, consumed by what the second Adam...defeated). Go to the polls, of your heart and mind, because it takes both and then it takes serious consideration and obedience and tenacity to be purged so that love is not left out. Selah

Work cited:

Booth, R., & Barr, C. (2020, May 7). Black people four times more likely to die from Covid-19, ONS finds. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from


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