Best to Reset
We live in unprecedented times in the year 2022. The former years have taught us little it seems and history and specifically the history of The Bible, The Word of God and Torah has been all but erased by oligarchy, corrupt politicians and people in high places of authority (i.e. principalities) and the other puppets, but by one puppeteer…the Devil, Satan who is the father of Lies. If it were true that only his puppets believed the deception it may be enough for a distinction between the righteous and the wicked. However, many who call themselves believers have believed the lies as well. It usually begins with…Did God really say. After that we enter into an exploration for understanding and wisdom to debunk the thing we should know to be a lie. What is the lie? The voice that questioned the voice…of God. Did God really say…Male and Female, “I” created, then defined their roles in relation to each other and relationship? Did God really say…I’m holding truth from you? By now, we should’ve discovered He was not withholding anything, especially His protection, which is a part of His Love.
Why do we warn our children or each other? Because we know THAT choice is not going to be, or end up good for them. Love is not love unless one is given a choice to love after all, so the choice was given and the individual gets to make that choice. Will we acknowledge His voice, or another, including what we think is our own? Though He created male and female, He then gave them a choice to eat in the garden or to “explore” their sexuality that can be given to pleasure or to design. When choice is given to design, pleasure and design may be realized, but if not, perhaps only pleasure which is waning, temporary, rather than giving ourselves to One, we give ourselves to many or one who did not design us. The male sperm came, the woman’s egg or seed was fertilized, but God wove it together…by His design. All were involved, at the least at the beginning of LIFE, but the question is…have we listened to another voice since…The Beginning. The answer is SHOUTING…Where are you human!! As God gave the human a call to come back, repent, be nourished, comforted by Yah…be “Reset” in truth, through Jesus Christ who finished the work of being the final sacrifice, but continues it in us…if we would give ourselves to repentance and to becoming as we come closer, and closer to our destiny and do not give up, nor listen to the other voice.
We hear and speak a lot of human suffering and dismiss sin, while trying to answer it with religion and psychology, pharmaceuticals, philosophy, and foreign meditation on dead things. We still ignore, dismiss or fight against the Voice of God who came…in the flesh of Jesus Christ, lived, became the necessary sacrifice for sin to fulfill the law and did in all reality die, but LIVES today. Things are said to dissuade us. The Bible is outdated, but Acts 2:39 says, “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” (NKJV) Matthew 5:18 says, “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one [a]jot or one [b]tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled”. (NKJV) Matthew 24:6 says, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet”. We see here that there IS…an end coming, so we must make ourselves ready. How? By “good works”? If so, then Jesus coming was a foolish thing. If he came to “show us how to live”, we already had the law and the prophets, so Jesus coming was a folly. But He did not fail! Jesus, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, not counting its shame, he died willingly, as a man, and just as willingly HE died as one who came directly sent from the very bosom of the Father….Our Father, who is not a man, nor a father of lies, but tells us the truth, because He is truth. Humankind needed redemption. He did not just say…ok, everyone is redeemed/saved now. He gave us one command, once again, Repent and believe on the ONE sent…Jesus Christ, the righteous. Did God really say? The explorations of mankind should tell us, by now surely, He IS, The way, The life and The truth and that no one can come to the Father except through Him. Why? Because He came from the bosom of the Father and God gave Him the position at His right hand. If we say yes to Jesus, we become (which is a work of agreement with repentance in becoming) heirs with Christ. THAT “work” was accomplished through Jesus Christ, when He said… “it is finished”. Our part is to believe on Him and be in a place of willing to repent, to KEEP on believing, KEEP on praying, KEEP on trusting and yes, KEEP on with our agreement of repentance in becoming sons of God. Remember, there was a beginning and there will be an end. Are you ready human being? Will your exploration bring you to the realization that Jesus was, is and still is, and will always be…truth and the way, the only voice you listen to? Will you allow yourself to become humble and acknowledge your individual need for redemption and that through Jesus Christ alone? Then just say yes to Jesus, read/study His Word and KEEP believing…till the end comes at His timetable. Everything may not seem easy and things may seem questionable, but that is where the work of keep on trusting and you becoming comes into play. Will you allow yourself to be “made” ready?
I asked the Lord, “Is there ever a time when it is to late?”. He said, “Yes, when all things, in My own timing come to an end”. Then He said, “And Randy, no man knows the time or the hour, let alone the day”… “Be ready for today is The Day of salvation”. We are nearer the end the ever before and as the corruption of the principalities intrigues and brings an unbelieving and/or rebellious people to destruction without Me, a truer distinction will be seen. Know this, an exploration of knowledge is not the answer. A knowledge of Me and My Word and a simple obedience of…do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil….Is the answer. What is the obedience? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ…The ONE God sent to be THE propitiation for our sins…The ONE who did not nullify the law of Moses, but fulfilled it, because we did not.
Jesus is the righteousness of any who believe. They/we have none of our own. God said Job was blameless, but when compared to God and His Word…all things cease to have their luster given by man. Truly, as the youth, Elihu said…God is greater than ANY mortal…and He himself has proven is also greater than any principality in heaven.
Repent, and Believe….the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s warnings are kindnesses. It is the kindnesses of God that lead men to…repentance. When God heals you, do you come closer (repent)? When God speaks, do you feel His pity (repent)? When you call out for hope, do you sense His comfort (repent)? Are you willing? make a willing purpose to amend (before God through Jesus Christ and before men) and also to turn from sin? Repent and believe are both action. Repent is a continua action and so is believing. KEEP…at it, or begin and THEN…KEEP at it. Draw near the fire of His love, purging, glory and embrace till you are with Him…in the fire, a minister of fire. God desires we repent, because He desires to redeem, but we must come into agreement with His was, His truth and His life…found only in and through Jesus Christ and Him crucified. After that, resurrection.