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It is 2022 according to the Gregorian calendar. The world spins... Continually... Out of control... Faster than ever with technology we've all come to rely on. E-"books" for commerce, higher learning and to "save the planet" from deforestation as governments pile up more and more paper. Technology is subject to every facet of nature in some way. Technologies oligarchy seeks to rewrite what is already written, not to make it clearer, but more obscure and less true. They SELL speed, information,, "global" marketing, ancient texts-rewritten... Slavery to a Global Empire. Where are the old books, the ancient writings, books from before the year 1978 within a 20 yr window up to 1998 and earlier?

Technologies oligarchy can, at their leisure, delete... TRUTH, leaving the searchers with lies sold as truth and information without substance... Without the written... BOOKS held in the hand or on the lap and flipping pages and taking notes. They can introduce confusion, false direction and misinformation and make it seem... Normal.... Without the ancient writings that have not been altered. We need BOOKS to check for lies and to keep integrity of truth AND information.

When the BOOK of the law of the Lord given by Moses was found it had been ignored by the rules of the nation of Israel. However, look at Gods response..."because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard'...'HIS words'". These were words, while untouched by internet were nonetheless rewritten by the ignoring and behavior of a people. When Josiah, king of Israel heard the words of the BOOK he tore his own clothes and wept, but he also called Israel to repent. The BOOK of Daniel reveals more about the importance of BOOKS or scrolls as they were called. Chapter 9:2 says, ..."I, Daniel, understood by the BOOKS"... These BOOKS had been ignored, rewritten by that ignoring or assuming or both. But... The BOOKS, unchanged, were available, written as original. The only "rewritten" was copies of originals, the text, intent, and truth.

Keep your BOOKS. Definitions are also under attack and have been for some time. How can we return to truth if we have no written proof of the original works? Higher Education seeks for concise "information" but in it, often becomes tainted with little revelation knowledge and skewed. Keep your old BOOKS. They will testify of a more pure time, an ancient time, a time when mankind was called to concisely repent, yet enjoy the depth of the definition... To restore, reset, comfort of Yah, and to make a willing purpose to amend and turn from sin. When you open your internet connection, double check that information with the... Older or ancient BOOKS. From the writings of the ancient Prophets we find Jesus Christ, as well as the message of Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. It will trump any empire or kingdom just as sure as Jesus was dead but is Alive.

Love is the answer. Repentance is the call.


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