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Ashes and Oil

Isaiah 61 is partly known as "The year of the Lord's favor" ( That is significant in what I want to share and encourage you with. Ashes and oil doesn't sound like much. In fact it looks more like destruction or maybe even death. However, one would have to take into consideration The God who restores, The One who speaks to prophets to prophesy to dry bones, The Christ who gave up his life for what but resurrection. But not only of himself..but all who would repent and believe on Him and give him thanks, which is the will of God for you...and me. (1John 3:23 & 1 Thessalonians 5:18)

You see, something must have been burned for ashes to become ashes. Something sacrificed, something destroyed, something burnt with a fire hot enough to turn something "temporal" and perhaps of value into something temporal but of no physical value. Mankind was created from the dust of the he was not originally ashes. If mankind is burned, he becomes ashes. When a baby is killed in an abortion they are sacrificed in the furnace of Molech by the fire of being incinerated. The value of life is diminished to nothing. What once was or we could imagine seems hopelessly lost. Encouraged yet? Its coming.

From olives comes olive Oil. However, there must be a crushing and the crushing must completely destroy the flesh of the olive for the oil to be harvested. In this case, the olive and the olive Oil both hold value and the Oil holds even greater value, and use. Isaiah 53:10 says, "it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand". ( According to the Darby translation of Acts 14:22 it says, "establishing the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to abide in the faith, and that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God". ( We could go on for days discussing these various scriptures. It is important to bring out their intent and pay attention to the wording, but chose carefully the wording to reveal the depth of the intent.

With that instruction and caution, lets continue into the encouragement of Ashes & Oil. We know that God is very creative. He is the Creative of the creatives. He is one who establishes things and in Him we live and move and have our be-ing. "All things came to be through him, and without him nothing made had being." ( As I listened to a minister speak, she said it may all look lost, until...God steps in. What I saw at that moment was the artistry of God. You see, when God puts His brush into the ashes of our loss, He trades it, but uses it also to create beauty so He gives us beauty for ashes...when He decides to paint using the ashes of you, of me. It is the artists preference when, where and why to use the elements at his disposal. So nothing is wasted.

What about the Oil? I'm so glad you asked. You see, the oil comes from crushing the flesh. Doesn't sound good? I know (from experience) it doesn't feel good. However, what is crushed can no longer be controlled by slavery, sin, or even death anymore. Oil cannot be grasped with the hand of a human being. We must consider is not just the "joy of the Lord". It is the Oil of Joy and there must be a crushing if we are to enjoy freedom from being grasped and help captive, to be used for many other things than just eaten or admired on the tree, as a fruit or as produce for men alone. Oil painting outlasts other mediums. As I listened to the minister pray, she said something of chains falling off. Right away, my mind went to...chains can crush. What if the crushing came through chains till the the chains weren't broken, but no longer effective at all to you, or me? What if we were crushed to the oil of joy and our ashes were traded for the Artists timing and decision. What if the chains became powerless and you and I became the wind? These things are possible, I believe, in the walk of repentance which is more than just repenting. Lead by the Spirit rather than the flesh, where the oil flows freely, the beauty is seen of Jesus, the wind of living by the Spirit with the humility of repentant hearts and minds toward Our Father and His Christ...until...we become, one with Him.

Here is where love, according to 1 Corinthians is necessary, along with a repentant heart, lifestyle and active behavior. The place we can all meet. The place where Love is the answer, and Repentance is the call. I welcome the Ashes & Oil and am learning to Worship Him...AS GOD and becoming...thankful, again.


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