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Repentance is the call of God...period, period, period. It is the call of the ancients, the prophets, the apostles of the original "church" and it is the call held within the book of Revelation. Get over? Really?! Repentance either challenged Nations to return to the one true God...the living God, to remain WITH Him, to be either destroyed, built or rebuilt. Get over it? Really? Does God want you to live and grow (after all, only what is living...grows) or to be destroyed? Why would He not call out REPENT!? God is love? Do you love? Would you sacrifice? So did He! Would you fight for what you love? So does/did He! Would you call out to others in danger...COME HERE, RETURN, COME TO ME and shout it so loud it might scare folks? So does He!! There IS a responsibility the other has in this. If YOU made a way, but others you called to safety did not take it YOUR FAULT!? NO, of course not!

But God commends His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, SO THAT...ANYONE, who calls on His name (their responsibility), shall be saved. Get over it? Really!!?

Repentance is not a call to look at your sin, or anyone elses. It is a call to look upon Him!! When you SEE your sin in comparison to SEE Him, there is no comparison...Repentance is not only mandatory, it is inescapable. Choice? When flesh meets their Creator...deference. Stories, where are the stories? Throughout the Bible. Isaiah the prophet said, WOE IS ME!! for I am undone!! Job said, before my ear had heard of you (faith), but now, my eye...SEES YOU and Job repented (deferred). That's "Old" Testament? When Saul met Jesus, the light of Jesus caused an automatic response as he fell to the ground, asked who it was, and Jesus said, I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting and again...deference to the living God. When John the disciple Jesus loved, saw Jesus in Revelation...deference to the Living One=repentance. Just get over it?!? REALLY??!!!?

Love is the answer, Repentance is the call. Restore repentance to the earth Jesus name.

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