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Fathers DAY

We need to pray for the restoration of fathers to sons. The church leadership has stolen (Jezebel) many from their family fathers and has joined with some in gender and created a huge confusion. Sons no longer know who THEY are according to "the son of, the son of, the son of". We have spiritually misaligned the family and today, years later, many are suffering. I can NEVER replace any father, and I always told the youth I led to honor their fathers and would go to the father if there was ever a problem. I would honor the order of God in that child's life. I never had one (I knew of) who was being abused, but even then, I would point them to Christ, to reconciliation when they are ready and to forgiveness. The world has put an expectation on and the church has embraced it! The church should be ashamed of themselves, and repent. Why is there is so much bantering and confusion and Jezebel taking control? HELLO!!

Abraham became Abram, BECAUSE he obeyed God...and trusted Him, even if it meant giving up his own son...his his Father---God. However, though he is the father of faith, he is not the father of other things. Paul said: "15 For even if you have ten thousand trainers in connection with the Messiah, you do not have many fathers; for in connection with the Messiah Yeshua it was I who became your father by means of the Good News. 16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me. 17 This is why I have sent you Timothy, my beloved and trustworthy child in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 4:15-17 Complete Jewish Bible bold added). Paul in no way meant he was replacing their biological fathers. If so, he would have been teaching rebellion and would have himself been in rebellion against the Word which speaks that we are to honor our fathers and mothers (Exodus 20:12). While Paul mentions being a father to is a father in the faith and does not replace Timothy's biological father, nor does it remove the "law", which is actually a promise inclusive of what many call "law".

If we are outside...the law...then why does it says....He has written His laws upon our hearts and points us to them in the reality that Christ did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. In that vein, let us fulfill the law--of love, of peace, or promise and of God...Our Father. Fathers and sons are broken because relationships are broken. Relationships are broken because repentance has ceased. Repentance has ceased because we count ourselves either above the law, or "escaped" from it. We have thrown off restraint and today...MEN, FATHERS, let us turn to look at Our Father, humble ourselves, forgive, love and offer ourselves to each other to love and be loved. Some can't. That's understandable, but if you don't offer yourself to at least forgive, peace may be fleeting and healing difficult. Let US become more than Ahab's, let us become Christs.

Love is the message, Repentance is the call.

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