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Choose...Today Whom You'll Serve

Free yourselves My people, My heritage, My Kingdom subjects. Push her out the window. I give you strength and you must be willing to be free and to free yourself for I have given you grace to overcome your mother, the one who claims to be a queen of heaven. Remember her prophets, the prophets of Baal who prophesied for position, for money, for assimilation, for appearance, but because of fear of death, which met them…BY THE SWORD of MY TRUE PROPHET, who represented ME. I AM…THE TRUE PROPHET, THE TRUE KING, THE SWORD, with a DOUBLE EDGE. Cast her down to the ground and do not mourn your decision, nor her and do not delay any longer. She has put herself on the wall, adorned herself for the one who came to overthrow her, but they (her own SERVANTS) cast her down, PUSHED her…out the window, off the wall to her death. It was not because of her actions, but because of her refusing to repent. To not be like your mother. Repent and cast her down. Remember her and her prophets are no more. Repent, turn away from her and do not fear her reprisals, her boycotts, her threats. She will not survive, but you, you must trust in the all sufficient…ME. PUSH FORWARD in repentance, in prayer, in praise, in true worship. There is room enough for only two in My bed of intimacy. I am not interested in being a threesome, for THAT is perversion. I have said, YOU are more than a conqueror, so conquer…her. Dominate her. Make her shame shameful rather than acceptable. Cast your mistress, your mother to the ground and do not tolerate her in your life any longer.

Subject have given themselves freely, servants are coerced, in bondage and not free. Friends are even subjects who become intimate with their King and His Kingdom. Free yourselves as subjects, or become subjects. The Spirit and the Bride….Say COME!! This is the call to Repent. I loved you, I love you and I AM…loving…you.

Why is death your mistress or the one you call mother

Everyone fighting for her selfishness

As she consumes all who fight over her

Attempting to ascend the throne

Do you still not recognize

Her manipulation and Illegitimate control

A serpent questioning humanity and God

Eating up the dust man is made of

Where is Eden?

Rich soil, full of life...My presence filling

The earth, the air, the height and width and depth and length

Man made to dominate and life...and give LIFE

Bare LIFE, Breed LIFE, and Protect LIFE--is in the Blood

To overcome Death

Subduing the weeds she has sown

Introducing infertility and men shooting blanks

Making them foolish and unable

To break loose from her chains, to sustain...LIFE

Would you leave your adultery and her chains?

Return to the throne I prepared for you

Though you had given your mistress access

She kept you bound--attempting to ascend...her-SELF

Death overcome at last, at the execution stake

This body of death overcome by Newness of LIFE This soul of death overcome by Newness of the mind of Christ

The spirit of Death--destroyed by--Holy Spirit

Death overcome and Eden returned

All things made New--Eternity

Fruit fit for repentance

A bride, My Bride, without spot or wrinkle

Eden is in you

To overcome Death

Call on Jesus...the Christ

The One who is and makes you able

Because love always believes...and hopes

Delighting in truth rather than falsehood

Therefore push the lies out

Look to Our Father and His So...Jesus.

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