When Professional Cry
I spoke with an EMT the other day at Chic-fil-A. I asked her several questions and one was...who do you have to go to when you need to vent, or cry, or express sorrow, anger, frustration or joy. There are a lot of not so smart people out there and we take each other for granted...some more than others. I drive a school bus for those with special needs. Driving on the roads, (without A/C) and having to pay attention to a lot, I always listen for emergency vehicles as well. Then I see how motorists keep going, block access or flow for the emergency vehicle or do not pull over at all. Its very frustrating to me, as a bus driver. I'm a professional...and so are they. In speaking with the EMT, there are things we never consider when we hear about response times in our own minds or from the news (who intentionally leave things out for ratings). Maybe they are coming from another call where they saw someone overdose, or a baby or children hurt badly or killed from PREVENTABLE things. Things TAKEN FOR GRANTED!! Then we, as motorists or those in emergency mode blame things on them, never considering...I/you were one who did not pull over, give access, make a little easier for the emergency responders. Buses carry children on them (just in case you didn't know) and we have emergency situations also. Many school buses do not have A/C...like most other vehicle. GIVE WAY!! STOP when the stop arm and sign are out! Try thanking an EMT, Firefighter, Police Officer, Law Enforcement, Bus Driver sometime...be considerate. Each of us have seen death on our shifts, or experienced one of our students, friends or family die. They see death of others every day, or at the very least have the potential and their own lives are put at death's door to rescue. Make it easier on them...and you. It may be you they come after one day and someone blocks them from saving your life.
We don't see them cry to much though. We expect them to "do their job" and "just get over it, you're a professional". Can I say something to you?....SHUT-UP!! Their job is to rescue, but sometimes, in their best efforts, they couldn't and sometimes it might have been because they couldn't get to them on time because of traffic. As bus drivers, we do our jobs, emergency does theirs...please motorists...do yours and lets cry together....less, and appreciate more.
Lets refocus on LIFE and serve One-another.
Love is the answer, repentance is the call.