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The Ditch or The Road

I've been hearing a lot of things on social media lately...from people recognized as Apostle's, Prophets, Pastors, etc...Teachers. A big pet-peeve seems to be people who "bleed" on social media. The rant of the titled is to not bleed, or perhaps only on social media. I'm not sure what they mean to be quite honest. I've read how Apostles set order, but then they teach or preach without repentance they may be practicing or not, and calling others to a lifestyle, a repeated action, a becoming a son of God. There has been a lot of hurt, a lot hurt within the body, and much has been from the leadership we'll call the five fold, because that is what they call it. However, in the call or shout to not bleed, are they saying get out of the ditch by yourself, as they pass by the bleeding? Are they on the road to their next "assignment" so they give themselves leave to pass by the man, or woman in the ditch?

Mention repentance and it is taken personally because surely a leader does not need to repent, yet Job did. There are two sides to repentance. The side that turns away from sin, and the side that amends for it. Jesus did both. He was on the road, but he heard humanity in the ditch...bleeding, so he carried them out and bled for them...instead. He was, and still is, the Good Samaritan, yet we say we are like him. Are we, and do not point fingers...are I? That is something you must and I must ask...and answer. If I've hurt my brother, or told him/her to shut up with all your bleeding, I need and should go to him/her and AMEND...after TURNING FROM selfishness. Some say, "they" are so negative, yet the positive in repentance of turning is to see Christ and of amending is to be reconciled and reconcile others. There is positivity in the negative of getting in the ditch WITH your brother...or sister.

Here is what I wrote after waking up about 3 in the morning. "Many want others to join in agreement, however, because you are not DOing what you want others to agree with you--they/we cannot join you in practice. Repentance includes amending, not just turning from sin. I'd rather walk with someone struggling with gossip or sexual sin than someone who is not struggling, or has struggled to be and stay free. In fact, I'd rather walk with the repentant--than the free, because the repentant are the expression of liberty, yet acknowledging and struggle, who are no longer complacent." (23 April 2019) They recognize, on their best day they know and understand little, if anything at all, AND they bow before the King and submit to selflessness. They amend, get in the ditch, exert the energy, use their resources and pay the price...even if they have to miss their "assignment". In fact, what many don't recognize is, THAT person was their ACTUAL assignment. Repentance is and should be recognized as a daily reality, just as prayer, worship, seeking God, fact, repentance encapsulates all those actions. Choose the road, when on the road, but if someone is bleeding choose the voice of God...and theirs at times. Yes, we must till hear God, but not assume the assignment is not a detour to get us to the one Holy Spirit wants us at. Consider your brothers.

Love is the answer, Repentance is the call, forgiveness is finished, but we are not. Let us mature...through selflessness, and learning to love the road and the ditch, knowing God is pleased when we chose faith/trust to answer the call.

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