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A Healthy Generation

When we think about Health, we often think of our bodies alone. Some of us do think about our Mental "Health" as that seems to challenge us more and more and has become evident in the light of the news, the fake new and what is real...or not. The same could be said for our health and we give away our mental health to our medical doctors who prescribe drugs more than proper food...or good water for that matter. Am I getting through? And what about our spiritual health?

I would like to offer you three "Healthy" recommendations. I say recommendations because I've tried these and they went from suggestions to recommendations because they least for me, and many others statistically, but for me personally. I'll begin with:

Xooma Worldwide which "is a top rated and highly respected direct sales company, specializing in helping people transform their health and financial futures". (xooma) You can go to for my personal site. That said, I learned through a naturopath doctor I was severely dehydrated and my PH level was very low. I would suffer spells of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea so violently that I had to be transported a couple times ambulatory, and the doctors after tests could find nothing wrong. It took over a full year (for me) to get properly hydrated with my PH level up as well. My skin was getting thin and easily bruising as well, but after a year of using the X20 of xooma there was improvement and I began to feel better and more hopeful. Even my medical doctors say, "Mr. Goss, you're doing great". I had also been on a ReShape program under the supervision of Dr. Melissa Bennett at Even the ReShape has its own kind of spiritual side to it with getting enough rest. There is a side of each part of us that benefits from out physical health and often includes spirituality and mental. After using the X20 I used other health products of theirs and found them quite advantageous, although I use the X20 faithfully every day. Focus Up can replace the "Energy Drinks" which are actually harmful to our bodies.

We know that whether we have a small business or hope to begin one, the legality of it can become burdensome and cause us mental, emotional and even physical problems...perhaps even spiritual ones. For parents or anyone with others to think about, a Will should be completed by a competent person rather than some form you can find in an office supply or online. Questions come up we assume we can answer morally but find when in a court of law, morality may take on a different meaning. Even things such as lawsuits or moving traffic violations or wrongful...anything, we think (mental) there is no hope. We have no where to turn because legal help is so expensive. With a simple $25 per month plan you can use the legal system with its benefits for personal use plus supplemental add ons such as Gun Owners, Home Business, and Trial Defense are offered. Other Legal products are offered as well for Small Business's, and Identity Theft. You can also become an associate. I've used the benefits on many occasions. With the changes in life, the Wills must be upgraded as well of which I am currently in the process of doing. Go here to find out more:

Then, there is the spiritual side to everything. This side cannot be avoided, even if you consider yourself to be an atheist. We all will die of something, but our desire is to live the best we can with the knowledge we have or can attain. I've tried to educate on some things that have worked for me. Given those things, when we go through trauma of any kind we need each other, but if "each other" is not there, there is one who sticks closer than a brother. He said he would never leave us nor forsake us...even though sometimes, it seems like he has. As I heard somewhere once, "the teacher is always the quietest when the test is being taken"...or something like that. The teacher is, however, nonetheless...present. He left the disciples when he died. He left heaven to come to earth and then he left earth to go back to his sit at the right hand of God. However, he is coming again and THAT is a promise that will be fulfilled and he comes ready to give a reward. We can think about the atrocious sins of King David, or the accusation of Job, by God, of being blameless, but there is one thing both did and which God looked with favor upon. They both repented when they realized their sin or their blamelessness, yet faced God and found there is no goodness except in God or as Jesus said of himself..."why do you call me good, there is no one good but God". Maybe it was an eventuality as it seemed with King David and Job but with Jesus, it was so real, it was automatic. Some see immediately, some eventually, but all will SEE. Those who are willing repent and find restoration for their souls (mental health) and many find healing (physical health), those who were unwilling did not and suffered eternally such as Jezebel. Just as you get to choose if you will use something offered above to help you, you get to choose if you are willing and find help or if you are unwilling and find (perhaps eventually) the help you thought you had was false hope. Adam and Even did not die immediately, but eventually and death was not known with them as yet. Eventually Christ will return, but you get to settle with by turning from your sin (repentance), turning to Him (remaining repentant) and trusting Him (faith in His sacrifice). Read out loud to yourself, the Word of God and ask Him to let you SEE Him, as Moses saw him, as Isaiah saw him, as Job saw Him...beyond "faith" and who said, "before my ears had heard of you, but now my eye see's you" (Job 42), and like John who heard a voice and then turned to SEE. He Is Your Health and Hope, Love and Salvation and His Grace calls out to you to repent so you can experience all He Is and desire to you. The other things, we need help with still however, and He uses all things together for the good of those who love Him. Say Jesus He loves YOU and has given you Gift(s).

Love is the answer, Repentance is the Call

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