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Shhh. It's NOT A SECRET!

We all know that water is essential to life. We've heard of acid rain and it is not good. We've heard when our water supply has been contaminated and what to do to filter or clean it up. We hear when there is drought. Why? Because water is essential to life, but also to sanitation. The same is true in our bodies. We are approximately 75% plus, water. Hydration is important, yet our tap water has so many contaminates filtered into it to make it "drinkable" that we just go along with it, because we think we have no least no affordable ones. All water is not equal...not even bottled water. Of the water I've tested Nestles, Dasani, store brands, even alkalized, I've yet to find a water product that feeds my bodies need for hydration. As far as store brands, I've personally found Sam's to be the best, but still under the recommended alkalized level necessary for good hydration. The alkalized store bought water was alkalized, but still under the recommended amount. As many of us are seeking for the "miracle" cure for our health and ease of it, there is really no "miracle" except educating ourselves, rather than being educated by brands, advertisements and "just drink more water". These leave us with no direction. Tap water is not good and highly acidic in most every case and may (probably) contains mercury, and other chemicals. Bottled water is at times only from TAP. Other bottled waters may be filtered as Sam's with reverse osmosis and ultra violet treatment, but they still lack what is necessary to effectively hydrate our bodies. I've found a product that fills the need and before becoming a part I used it for over a year. I've found my results and felt my body recover and experienced some healing as well from fatigue, a sloshy belly from drinking the other water, thin skin (at 58yrs of age), reflux, and a few other things. A friend said he started feeling his feet again and he went through AIDS and none of his medications have helped him with that. THIS product is not a prescription, but a recommended addition to your "miracle" health need for better health. While each experience will be different, it took me about 6months before I really recognized a difference, but my friend felt different in just 1 week. X20 is a product exclusive to xooma worldwide. From testing, it can neutralize contaminates in tap water, and alkalize as well as mineralize our bodies. You can check out/i.e. educate yourself here:

As far as my life, I've worked outside alot of my working experience. I've encountered and dealt with stress (alot) and I drank water, and soda's before X20. My body was severely dehydrated and I didn't know it and no doctor could find the problem. After beginning and into my continued use, I began to feel better and even lose some weight. My breathing problems became better with the use of prednisone to help out as well. I went from taking 20mg to now I am on 10mg and being weened off it. I give glory God for the miracle and the use of His plan, because I DON'T like taking medication. X20 has been good for me and even through sickness, I know it was because of my body being properly hydrated and I keep putting it in my water that my health did not decline like it use to. Don't just "drink more water", alkalize and mineralize your water with a superior product. There is also an X20 for your pet(s). Go here to find out more:

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