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The Truth About the Journey

I have been on an extended "journey" for some time now. Very few vacation spots to stop and rest or to say, I think I'll stop right here. You see, I don't want God to "come to me", even though I want Him near me...even in my mouth. I want to continue in repentance toward God. Some say, "we've already been made the righteousness of God" as though it has already happened but then neglect the journey...their journey. We've turned following Christ into a teaching we don't even understand because it is the knowledge of the Holy One that is understanding. We have left relationship for teaching, the Word of God and from God to the word of man who claims to understand the Word of God. We look for the "Message Bible" because we want it "made easy" instead of the reality of The Word that says, SEEK ME AND YOU WILL FIND ME. We have left hearing the Word of God from His throne to reading a text from a prayer book someone else has written or a prayer that sounds good, yet has no power, authority, depth or demonstration behind it, let alone anointing or reality (because we haven't heard God). Maybe God did say read THAT prayer, but maybe He said, just be quiet, let ME speak and you say what I Am...saying and Do, what you sense ME doing. (relationship)

The truth about this journey is, it IS A JOURNEY from conception to physical death. Suicide is NOT AN OPTION for those who are seeking. The great men of faith in Hebrews speaks of men who wandered in desert wastelands and who did not see the promise, but they did not quit. They pursued, they struggled, the kept walking, kept trusting, kept getting up again and they did not linger long with teaching or teachers. They were following Adonai, not a man (or woman) with a turban, or wealth, or ministry. They were following Adonai for relationship. To have relationship with others on the journey, while important was not their main was reaching Adonai and/or the goal for THEIR life, their purpose found in relationship and went far beyond teaching, title or tenure. They did not seek for a name for themselves or even for Adonai. They simply sought to please Our Father, by wandering till they found or He showed, by following till they led by example more than teaching or knowledge. The one wise thing they kept doing was stayed on the journey...seeking what? The promise for them; a revealing of the Savior and that is what we are and should be on. We look for the "comfort ride" sign or we put one up ourselves and when it gets bumpy or downright slippery and dangerous we cry out to God...why God, haven't I done all my teachers told me to do. We forget that Jesus said, "listen" to what they say, but do not "do" as they do.

What is my encouragement to you who are reading this? GET MUST....GET UP! Yes there is danger all around you and yes you've been injured and yes it feels like you may be consumed at any moment, but GET UP and keep on moving and get back on the Journey. Follow God instead of men ("of God"). You, I, we should have only dependence...Jesus Christ and him crucified. Have you looked up His beauty yet? Have you looked again? Are you ready to live a life for Christ and in repentance? Will say to yourself...STAY on....the Journey once you've made up your mind? You can and if you desire to see Christ...then you MUST. Now...GO and bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance and be strong enough to repent and to enter into His Rest. Stop running the other way and run/walk/crawl...toward HIM.

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