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Equality of Generations

Wisdom of the aged? Perhaps. But what happens when the aged forget God or at least His wonders, not only the past but that HE is wonderFULL! Yes, Job had been through alot and his "friends" in trying to console him, actually indicted him and brought not guilt but condemnation. Guilt if one is guilty may not be counted as condemnation, but correction and thus a path to correction and freedom are the result...or at least, can be.

Finally Elihu (the youth) confronted Job (the "very old). Elihu even recognized Job has SEEN the hand of God more than himself. He said to Job, "I may search far and wide for my arguments, but I will ascribe righteousness to God my maker". (Job 36:3 CJB) In other words, you Job, know more than I do so I may be reaching here and may have not been what you've been through, but I will still ascribe righteousness to God...MY maker. In chapter 32 of Job, Elihu recognized his youth and Jobs age. Elihu said, "Age should speak", but then corrected himself not only once but twice in his dissertation with Job. H said, "it is the spirit in a person, the breath from Shaddai that gives him understanding--it isn't [only] the great who are wise". Elihu acknowledges Job's greatness and even his age, however it looks like Elihu has reduced himself to a degree while gaining revelation as he spoke that it is not the age that gives wisdom, but Shaddai or the spirit of God. He further corrects himself or gets more revelation of who he a youth but more. Elihu said in Chapter 36:4, "you have with you a man whose views are pure".

With all that Elihu confronts Job and his three friends with there are several statements that could be picked out for its wisdom, but there is one that acknowledges Elihu's humility in his stand, supposedly against Job, yet brings equality that spans generations since Elihu is young and Job is very old. In Chapter 33:4-6 Elihu says, "It is the Spirit of God that made me, the breath of Shaddai that gives me life. So refute me, if you can; organize your words, take your stand! Look, before God I'm the same as you; I too am fashioned from clay." (CJB)

But there is one pursuit we cannot forget. The "Equality of Generations" is NOT random or arbitrary. It is not a "yea old person, get out of the way" or bold and arrogant rant from the aged to the youth of "I've been there child, you need to listen to me". In fact Elihu said that to Job..."Listen to all my words". (Job 33:1 CJB) The pursuit of Elihu (the youth becoming a man) was the same as Job (the aged who ended up gaining more understanding of God). One forgot from his struggles and one had to search for God's hand, but both were in search of GOD. One kept on and the other began to blame/accuse God without the humility of the youth..."I may have to search"...remember, search my memory banks but regardless, "I will ascribe righteousness to MY God". They had THE SAME GOD, They were both...MEN, They were both formed By God from Clay and it was/is the spirit, the breath of Shaddai that gives them LIFE.

I have been guilty of Job and his three friends behaviors and mental struggles and I have blamed God. There is yet one more action if we are to follow the path of Job...back to understanding he is NOT GOD. That is found in Chapter 42:1-6. That says, "Then [at last] Iyov' (Job) 'gave Adonai this answer:" This is the best answer you can give God. "I know that you can do everything, that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. "[You asked,] 'Who is this, hiding counsel, without having knowledge?' Yes, I spoke, without understanding, of wonders far beyond me, which I didn't know. "Please listen, and I will speak. [You said,] 'I will ask questions; and you, give me answers'--I had heard about you with my ears, but now my eye sees you; therefore I detest [myself] and repent in dust and ashes." (CJB)

It was not at the point of Jobs confession, nor of his answering God with words, not even at the point of him feeling bad, but at the point of repentance in which God then answered Job, had him pray for his friends who did not speak right of God and opened His hand to Job again, giving him "twice as much". His rejection of his family ended. His fortunes were restored. He fathered more children and perhaps against the custom of the day...he had so much that he gave his daughters inheritances as well. He was also lived to see four generations after him...of his seed. That is notable. Not so much that he got to see them, but they were a mention, meaning family was important to him...Hence Equality of Generations, because they got to hear of Gods relationship, greatness and goodness to Job...AFTER Job was confronted by God.

Father, help me to humble myself. I repent in dust and ashes and with tears. I am broken. I know You are sovereign and Your judgments are true and righteous altogether. Jesus said, there is no one good but You, oh God. I acknowledge me offense, my forgetting, blaming and accusations I've made against You. I not only detest myself, and I not only repent, but I remain repentant and humble before You who can do everything. You alone are God and Jesus alone is Christ and against You and You only have I sinned. I need a savior....Jesus Christ....I NEED YOU! Awaken the generationS to the pursuit and acknowledgment of You, of our offense and of a life of humbled repentance acknowledging it is You who can do all things and through Jesus Christ alone, save my soul from this evil and corrupt generation of those who do not acknowledge You.

Now, Father, let me rejoice in the bones You have crushed and find strength in this hope of repentance by Your grace calling out to be pittied, restored, renewed and to retreat to safety...where the only "safe place" is in You. Thank you Father for restoration and for calling me/us to rest in this place called Repentance, which is the "Equality of Generations". Copyright: Randy Goss 2017

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