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S.W.A.M. inc. Restoring the Call of Repentance to the Earth

Stuff With A Message Inc began in 2009 with a simple yet resisted Restore..the Call...of Repentance to...the Earth. That same call still exists today. It is woven throughout human history from Adam (huMankind) to Revelation. It is the call of a father to a child to come back, come home, return, be set again, come and be nourished and to be comforted. God is so awesome He even says in Revelation to people who are suffering, if they would only call on the ONE able to save...but they would not. This is both the beauty of repentance if accepted and the demise if it is rejected. The Love of God calls out...REPENT---Adam, where are you??---the Spirit and the bride say...come. Revelation is the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ. In it he has John the beloved write to the seven church's in Asia. 5 out of the 7 are called to Repentance. The other 2 are admonished to "Hold fast". I have a question for those reading this. IF, and it is written as so, the majority of church's in Asia are called to repentance, why do we hear little to nothing about it on the earth? Do we even know what that word means? We know when we sin as in doing something ungodly, but righteous Job did nothing. Even God called him righteous and at the end of the book God tells Job, your friends spoke what was not right of me. Yet, Job, when he looked upon God and SAW Him...he covered his mouth and said, "I repent". It was at that time, God restored Job to not only his former glory but gave him twice as much. Repentance and the hand of God go hand in hand. It is not only repentance and it is not only the goodness of God. It is God's response to our cry in our need for Him and the acnowledgement that we need Him. We are NOT Him...even if you/we are perfect or perfected. I pray we look and gaze upon the Holy One again, fall to our faces, repent and wait till Jesus says, "Do not be afraid, it is I"...not you and not me. It is Christ's righteousness. I dare you to be awed by God again. Ask for the WOW back and the pursuit. He loves you and desires your return. To join in the call of repentance to be rejoined back to God is not a hard task, but it is a task we cannot continue to ignore.

It is the kindness of God that leads men to repentance. There is more joy in heaven when just one sinner repents to God. Repent therefore and have your sins blotted out!! What is bad about that??! Oh reader, say yes to Jesus, turn to God and be saved. YOU are the joy set before Jesus that he endured the cross...that you would say yes to his proposal. He is kneeling before you right now. Will you...say yes?

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