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WOW, Check THIS Out!

2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is VALUABLE for teaching the TRUTH, CONVICTING of sin, CORRECTING faults and TRAINING in right living;" (CJB) ALL of these things REQUIRE an attitude of REPENTANCE for without it, it would not be held as "valuable", considered as teaching the "truth", would not "convict" nor "correct" and would not be thought of as "training" in right living.

I had a pastor tell me one time that "repentance is a quick work" and quickly dismissed it. However, it is prophecy's and healings and deliverances that will cease and all require a continual act of repentance, hence training. It is THESE things, THESE "kindness's" of God that, according to the Word of God, LEAD MEN TO...REPENTANCE. Does God therefore lead us to something eternal, since He is eternal? Perhaps it is to lead us to something greater than an experience, but to a life, a proof of Himself. Where is the depth of the searching and revealing of repentance? It is time folks. Hosea 5:15 and 2Chronicles 7:14 speaks of God leaving us to our own thoughts and then when we call on Him, seek Him, TURN from OUR wicked ways, THEN He returns. The SALVATION...IS through Christ, however the blessings may follow an eternal/ancient path of repentance. Is that not what Jesus told John the Beloved to the CHURCH's in Revelation? Is THAT not where judgment WILL begin and therefore so must REPENTANCE? Does your healing, teaching, correcting, training, convicting, truth...include...repentance which is also a "continual act"? Selah

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