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Reading the WHOLE Word

Recently I saw a post from a friend who rarely if ever contacts me anymore. They reposted something on facebook that speaks to an "extermination" of the Word of God and a lack of people hearing the Word of God, even though many Bible are sold or lay unopened and unread or read in part, which is perhaps a reason why we only prophesy "in part". However the "word" the friend was given is not complete. You see, as you read the Word of God there is always hope in what most ignore or dismiss...repentance. While the land and its inhabitants are indeed at controversy with the Lord and/or the Lord with them in Hosea 4, Hosea 5 speaks to God removing Himself but ready/willing/desiring to come and save the day WHEN they REPENT and call upon God...again. When THAT happens there IS restoration. Repentance is like the Genesis. When GOD speaks AS men turn back and COME OUT of hiding, God provides the covering...again. Though Adam and Eve felt the shame, the also experienced the restoration to a degree because they were reluctantly "willing". Repentance in a base form is "a WILLING, purpose to, AMEND and TURN from sin". God has given us time. He gave Jezebel time to "REPENT" it says in Revelation 2, but she was not willing. You see it was not her immorality that condemned her, it was her "UNWILLINGNESS". There is still HOPE, but in God...not men or politics or military endeavors. Read or listen to Isaiah 30. I have recorded here on the home page. God bless you in the HOPE OF THE GOSPEL...

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