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Manifold Grace Defined

The more I think about repentance and its message it is clear it is Grace or at the very least a part of the grace of God. 1Peter 4:10 speaks of the "manifold"(NKJV) grace of God. If Grace is the unmerited favor of God, God does not owe to any man to allow him to repent. It is therefore the grace of God that does allow and even calls and pleads, pursue's and hopes in mans response to that grace, that call, that desire of the Almighty. It is John 3:16-17 that says For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only unique Son so that by believing in Him they might not perish but have everlasting Life and that through THAT name--Jesus we might receive the forgiveness of our sins and be without condemnation that the grace offered might also be continued as men respond and the Grace of God is made "manifold" because God keeps giving gifts to men so that the various manifestations might reveal more of Him.

As each person responds to this Grace the ability our Creator put in each of us is then more revealed, but only as each person continues to respond to God, to repentance and to obedience to 1Peter 4:11. What is missing in the church? Repentance. Letting each one who has received a gift share in the avenue in which God gifted them. Not as though they are "good enough" to entertain anyone, but as they are OBEDIENT to the Spirit of God. That may be a child whom the Spirit says to speak, the sing, to pray, IF the "seasoned" minister will "let" that child. There is much more here than what you are reading. YOU--HEAR God for where you are and "LET HIM" speak and you become obedient to the Spirit. Repentance is key and as someone said repentance is a "quick work", it is also however a continual one. Blessings

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