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40+ Years Simply Put

What story or research is better than your own testimony? Most people want to know the author, well, here is a small part of Randy.

Often times I feel like a special needs person with my eyes darting here and there trying to take in everything around me. I think loving the outdoors, my training in the military and driving a large part of my life have contributed to that. I've been writing for 40+ years now in some capacity. In 2005 I did two things and both, I believe were directed by God. One is I published my first book of poetry (Climbing Higher/A Life In Poetry) and the second I found a ministry that speaks into the lives of scribes which is not inclusive only of "writers" but is inclusive of many of the arts--if not all of them. This year (November 2015) I have been wondering what type of scribe I was, before He sent me from heaven to earth. Just a few days ago, He said I was a recorder. I was with Him as He created and was recording their amazing appearances as He spoke.

Today I can hear and see alot of things happen within a poem or story. I guess you could say I'm a perfectionist and try to attain the level of beauty and amazement as when I saw them come into being. There are others I know who are better than I at doing this and so I must learn. I WONDER--at each leaf on the tree, each little hair on verigated weed or plant and then I go into meltdown when I think about all the ways the Lord has allowed the development of humankind. How He uses all things to glorify Himself. The "normal" folks all being different and the "special needs" all being--well---different. So in essence we are ALL--different and in that we become the same. We all have a part to play, to write, to administrate, to present--Christ in us, the hope of glory. Our simple role is to "BE" and yet it is one of the most difficult roles in our lives. Instead of Being us, we try to be the other leaf or the trunk of the tree or something other than what/who we are. I wonder if we all aligned within the context of who we are--In Christ and who He made us to BE--this earth would sound and look like heaven--the way I remember it.

However, something happened. We got out of alignment, we missed the mark, we sinned against God--both men and women. Instead of us going to God, God had to come looking for us--Adam, where art thou? Or as I believe God meant--Adam--repent, didn't you know after all these years and duties I've give you to do that My love will cover you, that you do not have to fear in terror?

To some this might sound like heresy. In the beginning--repent, in the middle--repent, in the new beginning--repent and in the end--repent--for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Who could not see that repentance is a beautiful description and offering to men of Grace. God could have wiped us all out a couple of times, yet, repent so that times of refreshing may come. Turn back and look at Beauty again, look at Me says Jesus.

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